3rd fucking grade!

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I walked into class confident and sat down,I saw the boys grinning at each other after looking at me,I instantly wanted to cry!Forgetting what Maddy told me to say,I ran out the class and into the bathroom.

There I cried my eyes out!

"What's wrong with me?!Im just like everyone else?...right..?" I said looking at my stomach in the mirror."See my teeth are fine?!" I said,crying while looking at my teeth."what's wrong now?" Ella had came into the bathroom and started hugging me.

"They were judging me again!Whats wrong with me?" I said crying into Ella shoulder."Nothing?!Your perfect!Your the most prettiest girl I've ever seen?!" She said (In a friend type of way) "thanks.." I said wiping my tears and sniffiling.

Ella walked me back to the class and sat down with me.

"Why are y'all so mean to y/n?she didn't do anything!" Ella said sitting down."cause she's fat and her teeth look weird?" One of the boys said."ALEX!?IM TELLING MOM!" Ella screamed elbowing Alex."NO NO NO NO!im sorry y/n!" Wow?The power Ella holds?

The bullying happened throughout all of elementary but if y'all thought kindergarten hurt?let me tell y'all about 3rd grade...where everyone and everything got worse!

"Hey Y/n/n!" Ella said sitting next to me,she was my only friend.Still."hey El!" I said smiling."Oh yea Jackson said he wanted to talk to you by the green swings at recess!" She said pushing her chair in."why?" I said."idk he just said it?" She said and we look ahead to the teacher.

Later at recess I waited for Jackson at the swings and saw him walking up to me,his friends not far away,only at the monkey bars.

"Hey you needed me?" I said
"Yea I have a really needed question to ask you..." He said looking at his feet.
"Well?" I said waiting for him to say it.
"Uhm...will you be my girlfriend I mean I really like you!your really pretty and sweet!" He convinced me.
"REALLY?!YEAH OF COUR-" I said happily but was cut off by his friends laughing with their phones out...I looked at Jackson who was also laughing.

I felt tears forming in my eyes as they all shouted. "YOU REALLY THOUGHT?AHA!" I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall and sat on the toilet hugging my knees,balling my eyes out!"

"Y/n/n?are you ok?" Ella said walking in the bathroom.I stormed out with tears in my eyes."DID YOU KNOW?DID YOU TELL HIM TO-..." I was yelling at her...She wouldn't do something like that."Y/n?Do what?!" She said confused.

I started crying again as she hugged me."Jackson asked me out but it was a set up!it was a set up for him and his friends to humiliate me!" I said crying into her shoulders."WHAT?!" She said before storming out the bathroom.

I stayed until my tears went away.

When I got back out to the playground I saw Ella punching tf outa Jackson while his friends watched.I started recording,so if they leaked the video of Jackson asking me out,i have the video of him getting his ass beat by a 3rd grader!(hes 4th grade)

Me,Ella,and Jackson we're all in the principals office talking to the principal now.Ella was the only one getting in trouble?!I got kicked out of the office and started yelling."ITS NOT FAIR!SHE WAS JUST-STICKING UP FOR ME!LET GO OF ME AHHHH!" I screamed while kicking the staff that carried me out of the office.I sat on the concrete outside the office waiting for Ella.

She finally came out and she was mad!"El?Whats-" I said but was cut off by her."Im fine I just got suspended...for a week." She said as she walked to her moms car."WHAT?!HOW-i can't survive school without you?" I said while walking with her."I know...but you have to learn?I have to go,bye y/n..."

I felt pure rage build up in me cause some stupid kid got my best friend suspended.

When I got back in the class I sat and thought about what I'm gonna do next time I see Jackson.

*im gonna fucking kill him!ima knock him out!make him bleed til it looks like a murder!* I thought when the bell rang.

I waited out front for my mom and Maddy when I saw Jackson.He walked past me and grinned,that's when I let loose.

I pushed him to the ground and started punching tf outa him!Pulling his hair,punching his face,kneeing his dick.He started crying like a baby."STOP STOP STOP!" He pleaded."NO!" I said through my teeth.That's when I got pulled off by someone. Maddy... "Y/N HOLY SHIT!" She said throwing me into the car.

"Y/N WHAT WAS THAT?!" My mom yelled,giving me McDonalds."no mom,and he got my best friend suspended!All she was doing was sticking up for me?" I said shrugging.My mom sighed and when we got home I got grounded.


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