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TW:smoking (it's literally in the name?),mention of nsfw

No one
Y/n went home the next morning only thinking about what happened with her and Ash.She knew she couldn't tell Maddy,not even about the make out or the hickeys,but she had hickeys everywhere so she used her hood of her jacket to hide them,but Maddy pulled this before...


When I got inside Maddy wasn't on the couch so I ran upstairs to my room,causing my hood to fall off.The reason Maddy wasn't in the living room was because she was in my room...and with my hood down the hickeys were revealed...infront of Maddy.

Maddy:"OMG Y/N???" She screamed while looking at my neck
Y/n:"yeaaaa..." i said trying to move her hand away
Maddy:"Ash did this?How far did it go y/n?"
Y/n:"not far?"
Maddy just looked at me and took my hoodie off so now she saw the other hickeys
Maddy:"NOT FAR?!" She said and grabbed my arm while taking me to the bathroom
Maddy:"y/n this better be makeup!"
Y/n:"it's...uhm it's..."
Maddy:"Omfg y/n...Please don't tell me y'all..." she said after wiping the hickeys

I stayed silent and looked at my feet

Maddy:"OMG Y/N?!" She said shaking me
Maddy:"you got Ash to love you?"

I was so shocked and went to my room to think.What did she mean?I need water.

I changed into some more comfy clothes and went downstairs for some water.While I was down there Nate just HAD to be there to see the hickeys.

Nate:"wtf y/n?"
Maddy:"Nate!come onnn!?" She said and pulled Nate outside

I rolled my eyes and went back to my room to watch tv and think about if my sister tells everyone about it and at some points makes it way to Fez!?I lay in my bed just staring at my ceiling,then Ash called me.Shit!

Ash:"hey uhm..I'm gonna be gone all today me and Fez have to work extra late tonight just in case you needed me cause you always do?" He said jokingly
Y/n:"lie?and ok thanks!bye!"
Ash:"bye." He sounded pretty rushed?

I got dressed in a hoodie and baggy jeans,then I used some makeup to cover the hickeys cause I was going to the shop!

When I got to the shop I saw Maddy there talking to Fez,Nate's truck outside.When I saw him he looked at me and got out the car,but instead of going to me,he went to the shop.He was definitely gonna tell Fez about the hickeys!I ran inside to try and stop him but it was too late...

Nate:"ASH LEFT HICKEYS ALL OVER Y/N!" He screamed at Fez,making Ash walk out
Ash:"what?she literally has zero hickeys?" He said after seeing that i covered them
Y/n:"Exactly?look?" I said and pulled my hood down more
Nate:"NO-earlier when I was at your house,you walked out with hickeys alllll over you neck!?"
Y/n:"wtf are you talking about?you we're NEVER at my house?" I ❤️ gaslighting
Nate:"I-I was right?Maddy?" He said and turned to Maddy,was this dude dumb?
Maddy:"I went to YOUR house?So it was probably someone in your house?" Maddy said,im so thankful to have her as a sister!

Nate left the shop holding his head and I put on a confused face and walked to the back with Ash.We started shit talking in there,sharing a blunt,talking, laughing,and just doing the most random things till I passed out on the couch in the freezer.

I woke up to Fez shaking me awake.

Fez:"yo y/n cmon we leavin?"
Y/n:"hm-oh yea,yea?" I said half way awake
Fez rolled his eyes and helped me up.

A few minutes pass and poof,we're at my house.

Y/n:"byeee!" I said getting out the car
Ash:"WAIIIT!Can I spend the night?"
Ash:"come onnnn!?"
Fez:"Ash..I-Fine.If Maddy says it's cool."
Ash:"Ight!" He got out he car and walked in with me.
Y/n:"Btw Maddy knows about last night..." I whispered to him.
Ash:"Oh shit-"

But just then we were inside and Maddy was making food in the kitchen.

She said hey to me and I asked her if Ash can stay,she obviously said yes?She didn't care!Then me and Ash ate and went to my room to talk and shit?

After around an hour I got bored and wanted to smoke.

Y/n:"Ashhhhh?Can we go on the roof and smoke?"
Ash:"do YOU have weed?i didnt bring any with me?"
Y/n:"Is that even a question?" I said and showed him my weed
Ash:"ok then lets go?"

We go on the roof and closed my window.Then we moved out the way so Maddy can't see us,it's me and Ash's weed,Not me Ash's and Maddys weed.

I gave Ash the rolling tray and sat and watched as he aligned the weed,rolled the rolling paper and sealed it.I tossed him a lighter and let him have the first puff,then I had like 5 before letting him have his second...

This was only my 4th time smoking so my tolerance was ok?But I was either high,on the verge of tripping?Or I was tripping.But either way,I loved the feeling!

At some point I inhale the weed and pull Ash's face closer to mine,closing the gap between us with a kiss and swapping the smoke from my mouth to his.

Then Maddy came through my window and saw us smoking.

Maddy:"ooooo!can I smoke too?"

I rolled my eyes and passed her the blunt.

Enemies to lovers (Ashtray x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now