UK is an ass

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The breeze picked up, whipping leaves around my ankles. I looked around at the gorgeous fall colors as the sunlight cast gold over the whole scene. 

My serenity was interrupted by my noticing the screaming coming from America's house. I impulsively turned and walked up the stairs, screaming getting louder as I neared. I went to knock on the door, but noticed it was left ajar. 

I opened it and slipped inside silently. I peeked into the living room and saw UK screaming bloody murder at America, who was curled up in a ball on the floor. France was standing just behind UK, seemingly unsure of what to do.

Her eyes met mine, pleading, and I nodded. Smiling, I stepped out into the room, closing the door behind me.

"Hello, fine sir." I said, and UK looked up at me. He suddenly regained composure, straightening his tie. "Would you mind telling me what the flying fuck is happening?"

"O-oh." UK stuttered. "Well, America knew we were coming, and didn't bother to change, so I was just-"

"N-no you didn't!" America sat up, eyes watering. "I tried telling you, I never got anything! Not even a letter!"

UK pulled out his phone. "But I sent you a text about it... Oh." 

I furrowed my brow, face falling. "I don't like the sound of that 'oh.'" France peered over his shoulder, and then full-on bitch-slapped him in the face.

"My idiot of an ally forgot to hit send."

"So, let me give you this from America's point of view." I stated, tone so dark UK looked up at me, frightened. "He was just chilling on the couch, doing whatever he does when he's alone, and his father just barged in and started yelling at him for something he didn't know was happening. Does that sound like a fun family evening?" UK tried defending himself, but I just cut him off. 

"No. You don't get a chance right now. Get out, and you can't come back until you apologize to America. She can stay," I said, pointing to France. "But you can get your sorry, stuck in the 1500s-ass out, and stay there!" I gestured to the door.

France sighed. "Non, I will take him with me and deal with him myself." She added a glare at UK to the last part, and proceeded to drag him out the door, slamming it behind her.

I sighed, crouching down to be at America's level. "America, come on. You need to get up."

He buried his head deeper. "America, you at least need to eat something. And, uh," I coughed. "speaking from experience here, being yelled at by your father and proceeding to sob uncontrollably is not something that doesn't burn calories." At this he looked up.

"Fine." he said, getting up. "But the fact that we both have daddy issues is something that we should probably talk about later." This earned him a laugh.

"Hey, where's your kitchen? I've never actually been to your house." I asked, looking around.

"C'mon, it's this way." He tugged me down a hallway. 

"Okay, do you have a preference what food I make you, or not?" I said, rifling through the cabinets for a plate. I finally found one, and turned to see America seemingly rapidly blinking, tears forming again.  

I crushed him in a hug, which he returned. Then I shook my head, confused by the sudden turn of events.

My life would've been a lot different if I hadn't climbed those stairs.


"Daaaaaaad?" I yelled out, coming down the stairs and heading through hallways.  "Texas has been chasing Rhode around, and we-" My sentence was cut short by the sight of Dad sobbing into the chest of a taller country. We blinked at each other.

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