Crazy In Love (BoyxBoy)

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"SPIKE," I screamed across the school hall, to my best, and only friend, Spike, hoping onto his back. Like i gave a shit that people were staring at me like i was mental. Hello? I am mental!

Since we were in our superman and barbie undies, that my mom thought would be hilarious to buy at the time, Spike and i've been inseparable! Yes, we are weird, geeky, stupid, crazy, and totally insane in the membrane, but were flubbin awesome people! Don't judge you nub! Love us! Except us! Anyway, like i said, inseparable since the age of two. Young you say? Yes, that is why we are best friends. Long story (and i mean a long... LONG... story) short, our parents are neighbors and have been forever. His widowed mom fell for my single dad, and now they are happily married. His mom is a beautifully, successful lawyer, and coincidentally, so is my dad. Now they own there own law firm and blah blah blah were step brothers with great flipping looks!

I mean seriously, we look like Gods! Okay, i am seriously lying to myself, and technically him too... i don't know. I honestly think hes the hot one. Yea, gay moment, i know. For some reason i have allot of those, but whatever. Oh wait i know why!

BECAUSE. I'M. GAY! And damn fucking proud of it! Suck it church i fit in and i belong! I'm human so kiss my flubbin gay ass! Anyways back to my point.

Hes all blue eyed and abs galore and brown hair that i wish was mines. Wait... we have the same hair color... fail! But... his eyes... light blue and gorgeous... now those i don't have. But, yes, i have tried to take them from him in his sleep, but that was once! Once i tell you! Psh.. defiantly not last night- never mind. He was usually the one who kept me on my feet, but I'd just fall back down. Curse you gravity!

Spike laughed deeply when i jumped on his back, then held into my legs as he carried me to my first period. Well, same class and same period as him, but, whatever. "Damn Z-Z chill with the screaming. I get it your happy to see me as you always are, but dude i was with you just last night!" He laughed.

I slapped him on his head and he flinched and laughed again, before setting me on the ground, and engulfing me in a warm right hug. I wuved his laugh... Why can't i have that laugh! Totally an pouting right now...

in my head... of course...

"Yea yea, but i'm Zero Jameson! I know i is cray cray! But you looooooove me!" I taunted him, pulling him by his arm to our first period. I thought he was going to carry me! whining in my head is totally not attractive, but its not like anyone is gonna know. whatever!

The bell rung, signaling that we had five minutes to get to class ot we were late. seriously!? Damn there lucky i even show the glob up! But no. To them it's like "were not here for us, your here to learn to better yourself" and the rant about our future goes on... and on... and on... like seriously! They don't wanna be here... neither do i... but don't tell us why were in school cause it is not true. I'm here, because my dad is making me... and if i don't go the cops take me and some shiz like that... not because i want or need a future. Sure, yea, ill thank them later down the road...

Just when i was about to go into my class, world history, with Spike, he was shoved into a sea of blue lockers. My eyes went wide, as a gasp slipped my lips in shock, as well as the people in the hallways. He groaned in pain as the giant ass football player, known as Mack, pressed harder against his throat. He jammed his knee into Spikes stomach and he dobbled over in pain.A circle formed around the three of us, as i felt my face heat up and my hands ball up into fists. Spikes hair was matted around the white beanie he wore, and his face was turning red as he gasped for air, still being choked as he held his stomach. My anger consumed me, and i fisted a handful of Macks midnight black hair, and yanked him down to the floor. Spike gasped for air and slid down, slumping against the lockers.

"you okay Spike?" I called to him as i held Mack down. He nodded and held on to his neck, breathing heavily. I looked around and noticed that a few teachers were heading towards us, and i punched Mack square in the face.

"Listen here, you mental ass Bitch! I don't care how many goddamn meth pills your on, but if you dare... touch either Spike or me... and i mean EVER AGAIN! I... will... end... you!" I spat the last four words, as if i were a snake spewing venom. A teacher pried my hands off of him, and dragged him off to the principles office. The anger in his eyes were obvious, and i knew this wasn't the end of it.

Allow me to explain what dahell just went down. Mack, is Spikes big brother, and he blamed him for his fathers death constantly. Once, he broke his rib, calming Spike had poisoned him, and he was rushed to the hospital. I cried for two days straight waiting for him to wake up. And when he did he told me not to go after Mack; that he would take care of it. What a crock of shit that was! He let him beat, torture, taunt, and convince him that it was all his fault. That was not true, and it took me about three months to convince him that Mack was wrong-

"Babe! BABE! Are you okay!? oh my god! Spike, hun, are you okay" Spikes girlfriend Amy came running to him. I lifted him up with a grunt, because let's face it, I'm not macho man, and smiled at Amy. She held his hand and cried abit, kissing him on his pale lips, before she looked up at me.

"Mack again?" she asked. I sighed and nodded. Spike groaned and coughed a bit. He stopped, realizing that it hurt to move and smiled at Amy.

"Yea, Mack is an ass hun, but I'll be okay." he whispered and she smiled.

"okay. But Zero take him home and take care of him. I have a project due and a test in two classes. But i swear I'll be over once school is over, okay?" we nodded. She sighed and skipped of to class in her booty shorts and pink blouse. Her black boots thumped against the tile, and her red hair bounced around her shoulders. She wasn't a slut but she sure as hell looked like one. If anything, before Spike, she was a nerd in a corner. I hated that, and i was glad that Spike had changed her. I noticed Spike was checking her out and was playing with his snake bites. He only did that when he... was... eww!

"Aw... dude! I'm carrying you and you're horny!? Come on man!" I whined and he laughed. To be honest, it didn't really bother me, and he knew that. Like for real, I've seen him naked and he's seen me naked! Plus, this one time i slept over at his house, and he turned over in the middle of the flipping night, and pressed his random. flubbin. boner! All up on my ass! It was a normal thing for us, believe it or not, so i just laughed and pushed him if the bed.

He tried to lift his head up but immediately became dizzy and groaned loudly.

"Z-Z can we go home now?" he asked as i giggled and walked of to the front doors to the school. Spikes eyes were closed and the small hint of eyeliner, smudged under his eyes a bit. I'll have to admit, it's suitable to him... and adorable! The bright sunlight didn't bother him, as i walked blocks down to were our two houses were. There was no way in hell that i was letting him stay at his moms house! His brother will be there and fuck no I'm not letting him deal with that!


new story i know i should finish the other the first... but naaahhh... this challenge IS MOTHER GLUBBIN ACCEPTED!!!!

loooooooooove Aly ^-^

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