Maybe it just...

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Headconnon:You'll see.
TW:The normal stuff and implied smut but none written other then kissing
Writer:I changed some of the canon stuff from my story BTW so if I said something in a chapter before that is why
- a little over 6 months after the last chapter. Vance can't call Finn his boyfriend in front of other people that isn't his group. He said that he would fix it but he hasn't it's been 3 months and Vance has gotten weird just cuddling with Finn alone. They are at
His house it was the second to last day on brake or at least that's what they thought-

Main POVs:Vance but mostly Finn because he's the main character 90% of the time.
Finn's POV:
Me and Vance are currently cuddling...well I'm laying my head on his shoulder and he's crossing his arms on his phone. Is this me?

Fi:I'm going home...
Va:Okay cool...

I go in for a kiss and He Hugged me. Not a real hug a side hug and a pat one the back.I call Robin.

Fi:He Dosent like me..
Fi:He just patted my back. Like a Dad dose.

The phone hangs up...At least he's happy. What am I doing wrong? I mean he is older then me. This this is want older kids do. I start crying on Vance's door step. In a little ball crying.

Fi:Fuck what is it.
Va:You You forgot the your..
Fi:What did I forget Vance?
Va:That's not the thing I wanna talk about what's wrong Darling!??
Fi:Nothing it's so stupid it's my fault
Va:Finn I'm your boyfriend why can't you tell me?
Fi:Ohhh yeah "Boyfriend" Vance you ONLY call me your boyfriend around Bruce and Robin sometimes the others. And we don't cuddle. It's been 5 months since you've hugged or kissed me even cuddled how we used to. It's like you don't even like me.
Va:I don't like you Finn
Fi:See there it is Vance I hope you find someone you-
Va:No sorry bad I didn't mean to say it like that. I-Okay I just I I'm scared of this..
Va:I love you I'm scared I'm stupid and I was trying not to love you ok!
Fi:Well what if I love you to Vance because because I do..

Vance pulls me into a kiss and when we hug a real one. Warm and a caring one he knows what he did and I hope he changes it. I really love him it's a little scary but nothing I can't handle. so sorry Finn I should have..
Fi: Mi querido(My Darling) it's okay really you were scared of your feelings. I understand.
Va:No No stop you shouldn't forgive me Finn you thought I didn't like you any more!
Fi:But I understand. You don't have to be sorry for it Mi querido I want you to be able to do well this!

Vance sighs pulls me closer.

Fi:Vance why are you scared of loving me? Is it something I can fix?
Va:No it's just everything everyone. I love leaves or doesn't love me I know you won't and I know you won't leave im just a pussy... I'm sorry I'm so so sorry..

Vance starts to cry a lot. He bares his face not my shoulders he pulls me a little bit closer. I rubs his back and then he sits up.

Va:I'm sorry love
Fi:it's okay Mi querido

Vance kisses me once more and then we go back in to sit down. We keep kissing and I kinda pulled him on my lap but we switched. After a second I started to kiss his neck. He had his hands on my shirt.


I wake up and vance was next to me sleeping like a honey bear. I stand up a feel a slight pain in my legs. After a second I hear the door bell ring. Vance was slightly awake and I threw on some underwear and open the door.

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