Let's agree it didnt happen

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Headconnon:The normals
TW:The normals

Va:Finny what's up:
Fi:I'm..im gonna barf

I run far away from the camp sight and I puke up everything I had eaten today. After I puke I sit down. Then I barf somemore. Why am I puking else because I was scared and I know what I did. And I know Robin may say something and I'm scared or hurting someone.


I look down at my arm. I needed to do something that's not puking. I had my phone with me so I jogged home and I took a quick shower. Then I look at the razor that I stolen from Gwen a few days ago. I get out of the shower and I brake the razor. I sit on the floor looking at the blades. I take one and I slide it across my arm slowly. I groan in because of the pain so I muffle it. After a little I stand up and i go to my room. I mumble "I kissed Robin...Ew..but I didn't feel gross...I'm a horrible boyfriend.." I get charged and i sit in my bed. I lay my head on the pillow and I cry till I fall asleep.

-In the morning-
Va:Your boyfriend is here
Fi:Hi Vance..
Vi:Baby are you okay?

Vance lays down next to me and he holds me. I close my eyes and I lay there. Then I sit up

Fi:Why do you smell like Robin?
Vi:This is his shirt? Why

I take off the shirt and go I lay back down. Vance slowly puts his arms around me once again. I don't want him to smell like Robin or anything but him. I don't want to even think of him...But I think he'll know someday sooner or later because Robin is shit a keeping stuff from Bruce..And I mean everything.

Va:Are you okay my love?
Fi:I'm fine I just like when you only smell like you.
Va:Okay? Well if you need to tell me anything you can.

-A few hours later::Vance had left and fin was laying on his bedroom floor staring at random things. Till?*

Ro:Finn I need to talk to you!

I jump up and I see a clearly anxious robin. He got like this when he felt horrible about stuff. He sweats and gets nauseous and he cried and a few other things.

Fi:Shut the door.

He nods shutting and locking the door then he walks around my room.

Ro:I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry I can't can't even stop thinking about the kiss. It gets worse and worse all the time! Because because i-i liked it I'm im a horrible person and boyfriend and and best friend..I took average of you! You were sad and I kissed you and you didn't...im sorry

I stopped him from walking half way threw his sentence. My hands were on his shoulders and he was looking down.

Fi:Robin it's okay I promise.
Ro:Finney it's not okay..
Fi:I..I liked the kiss as well. I feel bad for liking it I feel like I'm the worst.
Ro:C-can I kiss you again? Maybe I only liked it because of the moment?

I lean in and we kiss once again and I didn't feel anything.

Ro:Okay it was just a in the moment thing I guess..
Fi:Yeah. That's good right?
Ro:That great I don't feel like a piece of shit!

I smile and so dose he, he sits on my bed and I sit next to him.

Fi:Maybe we should tell Vance and Bruce..
Ri:We both know how bad of I idea that is..

I nod. I mean it is a bad idea but it would be in the back of my mind forever. I wouldn't want to tell him when it was but I want to tell Vance iv kissed Robin. I would be like "I made out with your best friends boyfriend even though we had sex that same day!" But I would say like "Iv kissed Robin before." That seems like the best idea?

Ro:I don't know what to do but no that...let's just agree it didn't happen!
Fi:Yeah like I was a strange dream and it never happened.

Me and Robin nod to each other and Gwen walks in the room slowly along with Vance and Bruce. My heart sinks and from the look of robins so did his.

Fi:Hey guys..

I look at them and from the how the three looked they weren't happy..Vance and Bruce looked like they were almost crying and Robin sits on my desk chair and I sit on my beanbag. I knew this was going to be a long ass talk.

Gw:I'll leave you 4 alone..But Finney I really thought more of you...

Gwen shakes her head and walks out. How can words hurt so much. Iv been beaten and hit..And those words hurt more then all of that.


His voice cracks. Robin looks like he was going to throw up or cry. I'm not sure which one he was going to do though.

Br:Robin I'm so confused why...Why would you do that? Is it my fault..
Ro:No non of it was your guy's fault not even Finn's..it was mine
Fi:Robin don't say that is was my fault I should've stopped it.

I put my elbows on my knees and I cover my face. I don't want anyone to see me. Not even robin. I just wanted to be gone invisible.

Va:Finn I thought you loved me? What happened..
Fi:No Vance I do love you I love you so much..

I stand up and I go to touch his face but he backs away.

Va:Then why did you kiss robins! You say you love me then you kiss robin?
Fi:No I promise it meant nothing it was a mistake..
Br:Robin how was it even you fault? Did you go in first?
Ro:I-I don't remember I'm sorry
Fi:It was all fuzzy I don't remember..

Vance nods and walks out along with Bruce and I follow them robin dose as well. Threw the sidewalk all the way to Vance's house. Robin follows Bruce to his house.

Fi:Baby please just talk to me!

I hold his hand and i neal down down infront of him. Tears fall from both our faces.

Va:I don't get it Fin. I really don't. We had sex then you kiss Robin? Why reason was that for? Like why..
Fi:I don't know Vance I don't remember why..but I know I didn't like it. I promise I didn't like it.

Vance leans down and kisses me and I kiss him back as well. This is the feeling I love. Just his mouth to mine  this is want love feels like.

Va:Please don't ever do that again. I just wish you came to me after and kissed me. Is that why you got weird when I wore his shirt?

I laughed and nod. We had stopped crying and we just looked at each other. Then he hugged me and we cuddle. I just hope Robin and Bruce are going to do okay as well..

-With Robin and Bruce-
Bruce's POV:
Why the fuck would they kiss. I'm not sad I'm pissed. Robin cheated and he didn't even want to fucking tell me.

Tears fall down my face and robin runs behind me saying he was sorry I could tell he was crying. I stop and I turn around.

Br:What the fuck are you doing falling me? I don't even want to look at you. (salty Bruce 👀😌)
Ro:Please I'm so so so sorry I really am I'm sorry..
Br:Then you shouldn't of cheated on me. With finny as well that some how makes everything worse.. I love you and I treated you with respect I thought I was a good boyfriend.
Ro:You are you really really really are! Your the best boyfriend ever!

I start walking slower then I was so Robin could walk next to me. I love him why the hell do I still love him.. and I forgive him as well I shouldn't. I reach down and I hold robins hand and he squeezes my hand.

Br:Can you please tell me everything that you remember..
Ro:We'll I remember us going to walk to the store and then Finn told me something and then I don't remember anything it the kiss then we were back at camp...
Br:Okay thank you baby

I put my arm around robin and I hold him close.

Br:Next time tell me first
Ro:I will baby
Br:I love you
Ro:I love you to.

Me and Robin walk back home..I forgive Robin but I don't forgive Finn..I don't think I ever can..

Opps cliff hanger 🥱😌


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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