Those Eyes

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Once again a group of small villains were trying to go up against the big heroes, how foolish must one be to try and overtake the heroes who never play fair, it's practically impossible unless you also play unfairly. After All that is how you even the playing field in the end.


Tommy lived with his 2 roommates, they were practically as close as can be never hiding anything, well except Tommy hid his identity. Tommy's roommates names were Tubbo and Ranboo, Tommy goes by the name Theseus and as far as they know he's 17 and works at a café not to far away, Tubbo is apparently 18 as well as Ranboo, but Tubbo is older, you'd find that hard to believe considering Ranboo is so incredibly tall.

Tommy saw how a duo of villains were currently rising quite fast and decided to test if it was that easy to rise to the top. The top villains were the Syndicate who everyone knew not to mess with, some people thought they weren't villains entirely because their end goal is good enough for them. Is it easy to rise to the top of the villain world without joining or betraying the Syndicate at all? Tommy, actually Dolios, wanted to find that out himself.


"There seems to be a new villain appearing around the city who goes by the name Dolios, if you have any information please alert the police or submit a report to the hero website, if you are being threatened by a villain, vigilante or someone powerful please report it for your safety immediately, you will be transported somewhere safe. Any information on Nuke, Ender-pearl, Dolios, Jester or any of the Syndicate will be appreciated, if you are found helping any villain or vigilante you will be arrested with them remember." Tommy decided to go back to blocking out the tv in the café after all the important stuff passed, the city took any threat so serious if they didn't get caught after 3 tries, really they shouldn't be that worried I escaped the heroes 3 times. The line is finally empty and closing time is just a few minutes away. I swear if another person walks in I might go crazy. I just jinxed myself didn't I...

"Hello, can I get an americano please?" This above average height guy asked, he definitely wasn't taller than Tommy.

"Of course sir, can I have a name for the order please?" Tommy smiled, putting on his best customer service voice.

"Wilbur, can you add the extra to the tip jar for me please?" The guy responded with a warm smile, putting the cash on the counter apparently already knowing how much it would cost.

"Of course, go wait at a table for your drink sir." Tommy swore he was about to scream at how close it was to closing and another stupid rich guy came in.

After making the drink Tommy went over to the guy's table and gave it to him. "Figured just walking over is better than yelling since there's no one here." Tommy said and then walked back to the counter, there was only that guy left and with closing still not yet here he just had to wait for that guy to leave which would most likely be after closing time by a few minutes at least, no one can drink that quickly to finish before closing.

That guy has already left the café and his drink is empty... Is that guy even human, how did he finish it so fast? Tommy ignores the weirdness of the situation and goes to clean the guys table, finally done cleaning all the table's he can lock up and go home finally. Why didn't he just lie and say he worked at some big company instead, his roommates would never believe the amount of money he brings home anyway.


Dolios carefully sits at the ledge of a building, knowing nothing will happen if he is to fall. It's still a bit scary, Dolios is distracted in his thoughts and doesn't hear the hero approaching him from behind.

"Dolios, your short reign of terror is done." Dolios turns around eyes wide and full of curiosity. The hero falters for a second, Dolios looks like a kid this up close. Dolios stands up and approaches the hero.

"Little hero, did you not learn the other 3 times? You can't catch me." Dolios stares into the hero's soul, pinching it making the guilty feeling grow.

"I'm sorry Dolios I have to arrest you now." Dolios simply blinks silently at the hero, turning around Dolios seems to distort the fabric of reality and walk through nothing and disappear. The hero turns around sighing waiting for impact if Dolios decides to come back.


"Hey! Mr. Hero, can I um have a autograph please?" A young kid no older than 6 asks.

"Of course, little one." The hero takes the paper and signs their signature. As the kid takes the paper back the kid distorts, just as Dolios did earlier. The hero stops faltering for a second, then they hand the paper back, the kid looks up at the hero with the same eyes as Dolios and asks.

"Little hero, did you enjoy our talk earlier?" The hero freezes, this little kid talks exactly like Dolios. The kid seems to falter at the hero not responding, the kid walks up to the hero and hugs them.

"Thank you for the autograph Mr. Hero!" The child says happily and runs away. The hero stood there shocked, did that just happen or are they going crazy?


Yet again later in the day the same kid comes up to the hero, the kid is wearing a Dolios costume. It looks a lot less professional but you can clearly see Dolios' features on it.

"Excuse me Myth, do you like Dolios?" The kid questions, the kid is the same as earlier only the outfit being changed. The same eyes stare up at him.

"No, Dolios is a villain. Villains are bad, I do not like Dolios as it is my job to protect this town." Myth answered, in truth he had no personal problem with Dolios except Dolios being a villain. The kid started to cry at that answer. Myth realised that since the kid was wearing a Dolios costume its likely the kid likes Dolios and him as the autograph earlier.

"That's mean though. Dolios says you should never not like someone for their job." Myth stares in shock, the kid talked to Dolios?

"Have you talked to Dolios?" The kid nods at Myth still crying.

"I don't not like Dolios because of his job, Dolios does bad things." The kid stops crying and stares at Myth, with the same eyes as Dolios and earlier.

"You didn't pass my test little hero, your not spared anymore." The kid grins and steps backwards, just like how Dolios did it, as if reality distorted and the kid is gone. Myth reports the incident to head quarters to get laughed at, when Myth presents his bodycam and it shows that everything is just distorted all day, the only actual footage is of when Myth landed on the roof and walking through the street, the headquarters says that Dolios got into his head and that he needs to rest.

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