Unexpected Discoveries

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Dolios stumbles around the Syndicate base never expecting to find it so easily, he knows he doesn't want to betray or join the Syndicate but there's a chance the Syndicate may try and get in the way of his goal, and because of this he may need some blackmail maybe.

Dolios seems to find the suspected main leader Crow's office, beside it are Blade and Siren's office's on either side. Dolios wandered into Crow's office, he started looking around trying not to move anything too much, he was wearing gloves so he didn't have to worry about fingerprints, hopefully Crow would never suspect someone was here at all. Dolios found a picture of the three highest up Syndicate members, Crow, Blade and Siren, Blade and Siren look to be much younger and their costumes a lot less evolved, Crow stands in the middle of them a hand on each of their heads, it looks almost like a family photo. Dolios decides to look even deeper into the office, Dolios finds 2 photos, one of a pre-teen around 12 with shoulder length pink hair and glasses, beside the pre-teen is one a slight bit younger it seems, curly short hair, in the second photo is a kid around 8 with short curly brown hair, it seems to be the younger one from the first photo but even younger, on the back of the photo's is a date and names, on the first photo is Techno and Wilbur 2035, the second with Wilbur 2032 Age 7, the second containing the age place that the first photo was taken 3 years later.

Dolios held out his phone, he had found three photos with more than enough blackmail. From the childhood photo's it seemed Techno and Wilbur were Crow's kids, who by now were grown up. The younger photo of Blade, Siren and Crow indicates that they've known each other for a long while, checking the date on the back of the photo it seems to only be around 3 years ago. Dolios continues to rummage around finding one more photo, in the photo is a teen nearly adult it seems, with a long light pink braid in his hair, glasses sitting on his nose he has a book in his hands and scruffy white dog sits on his lap nearly asleep, the teen is sending a glare to the camera or maybe the person behind it, behind the photo is listed Techno 2041 Age 17, By simple maths it means that Techno was indeed 11 in the other photo.

Dolios couldn't believe his luck. He had stumbled upon a treasure trove of information that could be used to his advantage. He quickly took pictures of the photos with his phone and made his way out of Crow's office. Dolios made his way back to his hideout and started going through the photos he had taken. He knew that he had hit the jackpot. With these photos, he could blackmail the Syndicate into leaving him alone. But he also knew that he had to be careful. If the Syndicate found out that he had these photos, they would do everything in their power to get them back.

Dolios decided to keep the photos safe for the time being. He knew that he needed to come up with a plan before he made his next move. He started going through the photos again, trying to find any other information that could be useful. There wasn't anything quite useful, there seemed to be other family photos in the background, a bookshelf or two and a normal house background except for the most recent photo where it was a field, maybe it was a field near their house. It was obvious that Techno and Wilbur were Blade and Siren respectively, their posture and body type too, knowing Crow, and the only pictures Crow had, had '4 people' both in groups of 2.

Dolios saw the Toxic was on patrol, Myth must've gotten pretty struck last time.


Toxic was standing in front of a bakery hoping to see anything that wasn't completely boring, he hated these stupid day patrols, nothing happened and it didn't even go into the night. A young blond kid approached Toxic, Toxic noted that Myth had the same thing happen yesterday.

"Uhm, Toxic can you help me?" The young kid asked. Toxic looked around and then looked at the kid.

"Uh, sure, what can I help with?" The kid looked to be near to tears.

"I lost my mommy, can you find her please?" The kid looked at Toxic with hope in their eyes.

"Of course kid, just because I'm a hero doesn't mean I don't help with the small jobs." Toxic said crouching down and ruffling the kids hair, he reached out a hand to the kid. "So what does your mommy look like, kid?"

"She's super tall! And uh, she has fluffy hair." The kid's eyes sparkled talking about his mum, it was so cute.

"Where did you last see her?"

"Uh, near the Hero tower, that's why I asked you Toxic! Your a hero!" The kid practically lit up the whole street with love for his mum. They walked towards the hero tower, the kid let go of Toxic's hand and sprinted into the tower's front office.

"Oh hello kid, and Toxic? What brings you here?" The receptionist glances between them.

"The kid just ran in here, said he lost his mum outside the hero tower." Toxic said shrugging.

"Receptionist excuse me please, my mommy is super tall with big fluffy hair, she likes pirates. Did she come in today?" The kid was on his tiptoes attempting to see the receptionist's face. The description clicked in their mind.

"Hey kid, do you mean the Captain?" To which the kid shook their head.

"No, my mommy is Puffy!" The kid gleamed, Toxic and the receptionist shared a glance, the last kid Puffy had was Dream and he aged out, not even Foolish was this young when he got adopted. The receptionist called Puffy down from her office. When the Captain walked through the door the kid got upset.

"That's not mommy." The kid nearly started crying. The Captain was even more confused as she hadn't gotten a reason to even come down here. The receptionist walked over to the Captain to explain while Toxic went to comfort the kid.

"Hey kid, what's your name?" The Captain asked the kid, hopefully trying to distract them.

"NO! I want my mommy." The kid fell to the floor, curling up sobbing by now. All the adults shared glances with each other.

"Hey kid, if you follow me I'll take you to Puffy." The kid glanced up.

"Mommy?" The kid croaked out. Captain nodded slowly to the question. The kid slowly got up and walked to Captain, she offered out her hand, then stepped into the elevator, Toxic following. They reached the Captain's office, and she disappeared into another room.

"Where mommy?" The kid asked looking around, about to start sobbing again, there were only a few stray tears left by now.

"I'm sure your mommy will be here soon." Toxic said crouching down putting a hand on the kids shoulder to reassure them. A minute later the Captain walked out in civilian clothing and no mask.

"Mommy!" The kid screamed running to her.

"Hey kid, do I know you?" The kid shook his head.

"No you don't sorry Puffy, sorry Toxic." The kid looked down sadly. "You should make your identity harder to find Captain." The kid stepped backwards and bolted to a window, both heroes shocked about to start running towards the kid until the kid glitched away last second before hitting the glass. The heroes shared a look, they had to tell Myth.

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