Mama Look Like Fire

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After the incident with the mysterious kid, the Captain and Toxic quickly made their way to Myth's office to discuss what had happened. Myth had described this happening just a day or two prior, a weird kid who was about to cry and knew secrets they shouldn't, of course Myth didn't tell them that the kid looked like Dolios as they would make Myth look obsessed with the villain.


"Hey guys!" Theseus yelled smiling,

"Hm, oh hi Theseus." Ranboo looked up with a small wave, they went back to looking at their phone, more like glaring though. Ranboo typed swift and hard, weird must be playing a game. Theseus walked through the apartment about to go into the shared room when Ranboo suddenly stood up, Theseus glanced behind him a confused look.

"Hey uhm, wanna go out? Tubbo is a bit busy working, you shouldn't bother him!" Weird how hurried Ranboo sounded, but he can never deny some bonding time with his roommate.

"Sure dude, where too?"

After a brief pause, Ranboo suggested, "How about we go to the arcade downtown? I heard they just installed a new game that's supposed to be really cool."

Theseus nodded in agreement, "Yeah, sounds like fun. Let's go!"

The two roommates grabbed their jackets and headed out to the arcade. It was a crisp fall evening, and the colourful lights and sounds of the arcade were a welcome distraction from their daily routines.

The two made their way inside, trying to avoid any confrontations. Inside, they quickly found the new game that Ranboo had mentioned, and began playing it together.


"Oh boohoo Captain, can't catch me today or ever." Dolios taunted 3 roofs away somehow again. Captain glared looking up at Dolios.

"I'll catch you Dolios, and if its not me then another Hero will!" Captain yelled angrily back at Dolios.

"Don't let your emotions get ahead of you Captain, after all didn't a kid come looking for you today?" Captain paused, staring up at Dolios.

"H-how the hell do y-you know that?" Captain seemed genuinely scared.

"Whatever do you mean?" Dolios shrugged.

"H-how do you know a kid came looking for me today?" Captain whisper yelled, though not much a whisper.

"You know, it's interesting how many of you heroes have kids. Who stay in the family business." Dolios smugly smiled at Captain.


"Your two sons? Did you not know that both of them are in this line of work?" Dolios smiled again, the smile getting sicker each second.

"Only one of my sons I've ever mentioned publicly..." Captain whispered to herself.

"Oh yes, Myth the amazing Hero, and Totem the amazing Vigilante. What wonderful kids you have, did you know that Inferno also stayed in his parents work line. Did you know that villains are like that too, some follow in their parents footsteps." Dolios grinned, hoping to have hinted at being the child of a villain while not even having parents.

"W-what... I knew about Inferno, but are you saying my son is Totem? And there's villain families!?" Captain was shocked, thinking how kids are becoming villains.

"Of course, do you not get my hints? Totem is your son, Inferno is related to a hero and there's a big villain out there with 2 kids that are villains, don't worry they're both over 20 though. I'm not though." Dolios laughed, glitching away walking backwards like always having finished teasing Captain for now. Captain stood there in shock for 20 minutes before heading back to the hero tower.


"Hey kid are you okay?" Captain asked a small crying child, looking no older than 3.

"Mama?" The kid looked up wide-eyed at Captain.

"I'm sorry I'm not your mama, I can help you find her though." Captain smiled at the kid.

"No, mama" The kid said, looking up and grabbing for Captain asking to be carried, the Captain sighed picking up the kid and putting him on her hip.

"Sorry kid, I'm not your mama. Can you tell me what she looks like though?" The kid began crying again.

"Mama look like fire!" The kid screamed, hugging onto Captain tightly. Captain winced at the realisation that the kids mama might have died.

"When did you last see mama?" Captain asked the kid, bouncing him slightly trying to calm him down even a bit.

"Long long time." The kid whispered, calming down and beginning to look tired. Captain didn't know whether to trust the kids' judgement of time or not.


Dolios woke up in the hero tower, how did he know this? Because he looked like a 3 year old and was in one of the meeting rooms, on a little sofa in the corner. From the other side of the room he could see Captain, they made eye contact and the Captain began walking over to him.

"Hey bud, you okay? You fell asleep after all that crying." Captain asked gently, Dolios realised how nice it felt to be talked to like that.

"Mama?" Dolios asked Captain, at this point Dolios was stuck in a trance of just wanting to stay with Captain and have hugs and soft words forever.

"No sorry, not mama." Captain shook her head side to side, indicating that no she was not mama. Dolios teared up at Captain not wanting to be his mama.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're okay, we'll find your mama." Captain approached Dolios closer holding his small hand in hers to comfort him, Dolios glanced down at his hand starting to tear up more from the care in the contact.

"Mama! You! You! You mama!" Dolios barely shouted at Captain.

"No kid... I'm not ma-" Dolios began to sob, rubbing at his eyes.

"Mama!" Captain panicked at how fast the kid got upset. She picked him up, placing him on her hip like earlier, bouncing him slightly.

"Mama..." Dolios looked Captain in the eyes, childlike glint and sadness in his eyes as he rubbed them. Captain gave him a small kiss on the forehead.


"It's okay, see? Want to come look around the tower with me?" Captain suggested knowing the kid would do anything to stay by her either way. The kid nodded looking up sniffling at her, she smiled softly back at him. She began walking out of the meeting room, with him in her arms.

"So what's your name kid?" She asked him, walking towards an elevator.

"You didn't tell me mama..." He sighed, relaxing more into Captain's arms. She looked at him confused.

"What do you mean I didn't tell you? I don't give you a name." She responded to him.

"Mama's always give names!" He responded, seeming more alert, than he was 2 seconds ago. Captain stepped into the elevator.

"I'm sorry, but I'm... I don't have a name for you. How about you choose it?" Captain asked, hoping to not trigger him into crying again.

"No! Mama chooses a name." He said snuggling back into Captain, she sighed pressing the button to go to her office.

"What if we found a name together huh?" She asked hoping he would agree.

"No... If mama doesn't choose a name that means mama no love me." The kid responded, instead of it being screaming and crying he began to cry silently instead, he must be exhausted from the crying, and being held and bounced won't keep him awake.

"I'm sure your mama loves you, but not all mama's can choose a name." The kid looked up sniffling.

"Your mama, you choose a name if no name you no love me!" He squealed, Captain decided to give the kid a temporary name.

"Ok how about hm... Max?" The kid nodded.

"Name Max, mama loves me, she gave me name!" The kid hugged her tightly, the kid falling asleep again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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