Chapter 1

17 2 9

(Expect spelling mistakes)

It is 24 August 2043, 2:49 am, a not ideal time to be out in a convenience store but Atsuka says otherwise. Atsuka Kageyama is a 29 year old guy who is morbidly obese, useless to society and have no life. He walks to an aisle full of chips and snacks. As he takes one Lays chip bag, one of the janitors approached him and says:

Janitor: Hey, man. The store's closing soon. Please hurry up, okay?

Atsuka nodded at his words. He quickly runs to the counter and pays for the food. As he walks out, he looks at the sky and sees a shooting star. He didn't wish for anything. He just looked at it and crosses the road. Few minutes later, he arrives at his apartment. He takes out his keys and opens the door. He walks to the couch and sinks in the trash that mostly consists of plastic bags, soda cans and more.

Cockroaches and mice roams his room. He doesn't even do anything about it. As he takes the TV remote and turns on the TV, he takes a small bottle that says "anti-depression pills". He looks at it and hesitates. He already ate a lot of pills on purpose but he was unsure whether to do it. If it ends his misery, he'll do anything. He takes one last look of his apartment room and he opens the bottle of pills and swallow all of it. As he does that, he chokes on them. He has no more cans of Coca-Cola so he has no choice but to embrace death. At last, he drops onto the floor and dies. Wow, so sad.

Suddenly, he opens his eyes and sees a red wallpaper with sakura patterns on it. He sits up on a comfortable bed and sees a robot wiping the table. The robot turns to him and says:

Kikuru: Master, good morning. You were asleep for exactly 8 hours, 24 minutes and 33 seconds. How are you feeling?

Atsuka is stunned. He was supposed to be dead but instead, he woke up in another place? Another future? So many questions are coursing through his little mind at the moment so he was too stunned to speak.

Kikuru: Master, are you feeling okay? You look stunned.

Atsuka shrugs it off and asks Kikuru:

Atsuka: Who are you? What are you? Where am I?!

Kikuru giggles and answers with a calm tone:

Kikuru: I am Kikuru, your personal robot assistant. Welcome to Camadia, Master.

Atsuka is surprised. He is at a country called Camadia, not Japan. Then, he asks Kikuru:

Atsuka: What state is this?!

Kikuru: This state is Avidan. The capital state of Camadia.

Atsuka then wipes his forehead because he is sweating profusely. He doesn't know what to do right now. He stands up from the bed and approaches Kikuru.

Atsuka: Can you search for anyone that died that goes by the name "Atsuka Kageyama"?

Kikuru nods. As Kikuru stands idle, Atsuka waits for Kikuru's response. Finally, Kikuru speaks in a calm tone:

Kikuru: Sorry, Master. I searched the crime database until the year 1971 but I can't find anyone that goes by the name you're looking for. Is there any other way I can help?

Atsuka: No need. Thank you, Kikuru.

Kikuru: My pleasure, Master.

Atsuka covers his mouth as he looks out the window. He realises he doesn't exist in this world. As he looks at a calendar, he checks the date.

"27 August 2455" was on the calendar. He was shocked. Kikuru then puts her hand on Atsuka's shoulder and says in a reassuring tone:

Kikuru: Don't worry, Master. I'm sure you'll work this out. Wanna go outside? We can go shopping or eat breakfast, if you'd like.

Atsuka nods. Few minutes later, Atsuka and Kikuru got ready for their first excursion. Well, it is Atsuka's first anyway.

Atsuka and Kikuru walks on a bridge to the other side. Atsuka is treated to such a sight of the city with floating trains, flying cars, hoverbikes and very tall buildings with billboards and lights. The city was also lively. Atsuka and Kikuru goes up on a train station and waits for a train. As the train arrives, Kikuru and Atsuka boarded the train. The train was empty so it is quiet and peaceful. The doors close and it starts to move at a fast speed.


A girl with some casual clothing is using binoculars to spy on Atsuka and Kikuru. She smirks and presses the earpiece in her ear and says:

Akira: Miya, I found one. Get ready your hoverbike.

Miya: Yeah, yeah. What's he like?

Akira: He has a robot. A Generation 7 robot. In a train. Go get him quick!

Miya: Okay!

Miya gets on her neon hoverbike and revs it before taking off and chasing after the train.

Atsuka is sitting on the seat, watching outside the window and admiring the view of his new city. Kikuru smiles and turns to the back of the train where she sees a hoverbike chasing after the train they're on. Kikuru's eyes glow red. Atsuka notices this and asks in a worried tone:

Atsuka: Kikuru, what's wrong?

Kikuru: Master, get down!

As Kikuru pushes Atsuka down to the floor of the train, Miya activated two miniguns that rolls out from the hoverbike and shoots the train. Windows shattering and the shots going through the roof.

Miya: Bingo!

As Miya got closer to the train, Kikuru used her hand and blasted a laser beam at Miya. Miya dodged it and was shocked.

Miya: Holy shit! Akira, this robot ain't no normal robot

Akira: No shit. Is a Gen 7. Quick, get them. I'll follow you when you successfully get them.

Miya: Yeah, okay.

Miya got closer to the train with her hoverbike. She pressed a button that switched the miniguns with a pair of missiles. Kikuru picks up Atsuka and says:

Kikuru: Master, we must leave the train immediately. Follow me

Atsuka: After you, Kikuru.

Kikuru takes Atsuka's hand and runs to the front of the train. Unfortunately, the pair of missiles are fired and exploded in front of Atsuka and Kikuru.

Miya: Bullseye! I got them!

The part of the train that Kikuru and Atsuka are on falls to the ground. Kikuru hugs Atsuka and summons a shield surrounding them both. The whole segment of the train exploded as it lands on the ground. Miya arrived at the area and got off her hoverbike with a laser gun. Miya charged up the laser gun and points it at Kikuru. Kikuru stands up while carrying Atsuka and putting him down on the floor. Kikuru turns to Miya with red glowing eyes.

Miya: Give us the boy, and we're good.

Kikuru: Sorry, Miss. I do not follow your orders.

Kikuru's left hand charges up a beam and points it at Miya.

Miya: H-Hey! Put your laser away and give me the boy.

Akira arrived to the scene and took out her laser gun as she got off her hoverbike. Akira charges up her laser gun and shoots a bullet that electrified Kikuru. Kikuru collapses to the ground.

Akira: That was a cool way to approach a Gen 7 robot.

Miya: Let's take them to base.

--To Be Continued--

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