part 3

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"yes your beauty..."

"beauty of your heart..." tae snapped his head towards jk when he heard such sentence. But he didn't let come out on his face.

"oh really how do you know that my heart is beautiful? Or you're just bluffing to impress me. But let me tell you Mr.jeon I am not much into "sweet talks". " tae sipped his coffee having smug look on his face.

"it was stormy evening and you were sitting in your car at traffic signal. Suddenly rain started pouring heavily and you were about to close your window when your eyes fell on 3 kids who were trembling at corner of the road because of rain and cold." Tae was remembering the night and now he wants to know what jk was doing there.

"I was going home and when I saw those kids, I was about to take them with me and drop them but you came running to them with umbrella. Your driver was stopping you but you were so adamant. You took them in your car and I secretly followed you and saw how you drop them safely at their home and that was the moment when I lost my heart though that time I haven't even see your face but that thing never matters to me, but when I started secretly following you I realized you're an angel on earth"

Tae gulped nervously seeing jungkook's loveable gaze on him which is not making him uncomfortable. Jungkook put hand lightly on tae's hand not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"I know you're not ready yet and I won't pressurize you I promise just give me one chance..only one chance to prove my love for you. just 1 month please." Jungkook pressed tae's hand lightly and looked at him with puppy eyes.

Now tae is in dilemma what to do? Damn he really wants to try this relation with the "bunny" looking boy but he is scared. What if....?

But finally he sighed and closed his eyes and nods his head in tiny yes. He knows he has to face so many things but he's ready to take this chance. He knows it'll worth it.

"fine...but I have one condition" jungkook gesture him to continue his talk.

"we'll not continue this relationship if I won't be comfortable with you In 1 that okay with you?" jk nods in yes.

"for 1 month we'll just be on trial period and you'll not announce our relation to anyone. Not even your friends. Okay?" now jungkook was reluctant because he has never hide anything from his hyungs but if tae is comfortable with this he surely can hide this news for 1 month from his hyungs.

"okay than let's try" tae said while looking down and feeling extremely shy. Jungkook was squealing like a teenager kid whose crush smiled at him for the first time. He wanted to jump and shout in happiness but he was controlling because on the first day of relationship he doesn't want ruin his image.

They talk a little bit and exchanged their numbers and jungkook give him a walk towards tae's car and opened a door for him like a gentle man he is.

"thank you and bye" tae said with a cute smile and wear his glasses and start the engine of his car. Jungkook was still leaning towards the window of car.

"you sure you want to go?"

"yes I am sure and now you should leave also, it's not good for health to stand outside in such hot days" jungkook dramatically put his hand on his heart.

"ouch such caring words for me" he rubbed his heart and tae just looked at him with disbelief. He understood already that he has to deal with this over dramatic man.

"now bye" tae said and jungkook finally let go his boyfriend. He was looking at the car with fond eyes till it disappears. He make his mind to work hard to win his beauty's heart and make him his for forever.

"fighting jungkook" he said and walked away towards his car.

how's it?

i know slow pace but once it'll go on track you'll love it

flufffy, romantic moments on way before i drag in the hell of angst.(heavy) 

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