Chapter One

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The things I did
Just so I could call you mine
The things you did
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime

* * *

Right after Gun removed Jake Kim's teeth by slamming his fists onto him, Gun knew what to do next. He left the wounded gang leader along with the other two men he did not know as it was typical of him to forget the names of people that aren't on his level.

Yet, the most hypocritical thing he did was remember her name, [L/N F/N]. Although she can't fight, she's always been running in his head like she's some worthy opponent.

"I told you not to do something illegal," he said and left afterward before the police arrives.

Gun started the engine of his Porsche and immediately went straight to her apartment. [F/N] lives alone, away from her parents which makes Gun confident that he'll barge inside without having to worry about her dad who's a renowned lawyer across the country.

As soon as he arrived at the doorstep, he knocked and she opened the door and greeted her ex-boyfriend warmly. Gun went inside and he noticed the face powder that sticks to her nightgown. He can't help but noticed her perfectly sculpted legs which he had spread several times.

"How have you been?" She asked and sit next to him who was casually removing his leather jacket, preparing for what he has been looking forward to after smashing Jake Kim's face which he considers as another disappointment.

"Horny," Gun replied to which she responded with a soft kick on his leg. "On a serious note, I miss your company."

She laughed at Gun's remarks and went closer to him. It has always been like this, wanting each other so badly that it made her almost forget the awful mornings of waking up alone without Gun by her side. It almost feels as if she's only been used to satisfy his manhood in which she really doesn't care as long as Gun will come looking for her.

She knew she liked him but at some point, she starts doubting her feelings because it has been getting lonelier for her. Gun only comes when it's convenient for him without even asking how her day went.

"Don't be at work for too long," she said as she reached for his neck to give him a kiss.Gun kissed her back and both of them forgot to close the windows. Her tongue slid inside his mouth as he was busy reaching for the laces of her gown. He admits that she's a good kisser and anyone would be smitten by it.

"You know I can't," he replied as he lets the Versace nightgown fall on the ground.

[F/N] blushed due to her current state while Gun examined her with his unusual raven eyes after he mastered his ultra-instinct. Gun pulled her closer and they both fell on the couch while she was on top of him.They continued kissing and they both satisfy each other's bodies that night. She was extremely exhausted and her [H/C] hair was messy after several rounds. She knew that Gun would take it again to extremes because he's been missing for weeks.

"Are you tired?" Gun asked as if it wasn't obvious that she's been trying to catch her breath.

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