Chapter 6

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"So what are you really doing here." Jacob asked trying to steal my last French fry.

"Helping out my sister, I told you." I swatted his hand away laughing.

"You're spending the entire summer in here to work?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Well I guess I came for the beach and stuff, and to get away from home. I don't really like it there." I grabbed my coke taking a sip.

"Senioritis?" he smirked.

"Yeah I guess. Do you have any dogs?" I asked completely ignoring his question.

"What?" he burst out laughing at my random curiosity.

"Do you have any dogs?" I repeated trying not to join him in laughter.

"Is this some kind of trick question?" his eyes narrowed.

"No! I just want to know, god. I like dogs." I giggled.

"Well, I have a chocolate lab..."

"OH MY GOD! Why didn't you tell me?? That's my favorite kind of dog!!" I slammed my drink down, causing him to jump.

"Jesus you scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry." I shrugged.

"So do you want to meet him?" Jacob suggested.


"He's sooo cute." I continued to pet the large dogs head. Jacob drove me to his large mansion where his dog, Cody, was patiently waiting.

"Come on, don't you want a tour of my room or something?" he smirked, pulling my hand.

"No. I want to stay with the dog."

"Raina you're going to give him anxiety. He's not used to this much attention." Jacob laughed.

"He likes it!" I insisted.

"Whatever you say."

"Fine, I'll look at your boring room." I stood up rolling my eyes.

"That's the spirit!"

"This is where the magic happens." He turned back winking at me.

"Ew." I laughed.

His room was huge. It wasn't a total man cave with clothes and empty pizza boxes lying around. It was actually relatively tidy, with only a couple t-shirts tossed onto the floor. There was a giant queen sized bed against the beige wall. The shelf was tidily decorated with books and CDs. I envied the small couch that was pushed in front of the flat screen TV that was attached to the wall. Not to mention that he had his own bathroom that connected to the bedroom. But best of all, were the large windows that had opened to a balcony that had a beautiful ocean view. Talk about heaven.

"Why would you want to leave? This is the best bedroom I have ever seen. Literally goals!" my eyes widened taking in the sight.

"You get used to it after a while." He smiled. "So what do you want to do?" he kicked off his shoes, falling onto his bed, crinkling the perfectly straightened white sheets.

"I don't know. It's your house." I sat down next to him on the bed.

"Wait come here. I think there's a bug on you." He pointed to my forehead. I was never the kid that would stomp on ants for fun, but the thought of them on me was not very pleasing either.

"Really? Where?" I tried to hide the panic in my voice. Oh god, I probably look like such an idiot.

"Come here so I can get it!" he motioned towards the pillow.

I leaned closer to him. He put his hand around my neck pulling me closer and pressing his lips onto mine. Fucking asshole. The whole thing was probably scheme. I knew I should be angry but I wasn't. The best part was, as I kissed him more and more, I could feel his smile growing. I didn't know what it was about him, maybe his sense of carefreeness or adventure, but I just loved it. The feeling in my gut that was once screaming that this would be a one-date kind of thing was disappearing.

A/N: thanks for reading, please vote/comment.

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