Chapter 41

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"We should probably leave in about 20 minutes. I'll need an hour to go through security and check in my bags." Jacob said, stepping into a pair of sweatpants and a loose white t-shirt.

"Okay," I said, finishing up my hair. I didn't want my hair to be wet from our shower. Realization was kicking in and hour last hours together were finalized. I was nervous for how I would cope with everything tonight. We had been spending every second every night together and after tonight I would be left cold in the corner.

I opened his bathroom drawer pulling out my mascara and applying a bit on my lashes. We had grown so close that I had half of my closet at his house. I was supposed to use his car to drive him to the airport and come back and drop his car off. I would also have to clean all my clothes out of his closet.

I walked into the bedroom and pulled out the small photo album that I had put together of us. I had polaroids of us, with small notes framed as well. I didn't want him to read everything in front of me but I felt like I should get it to him before we arrived at the airport.

Taking in a deep breath, I walked up to him and held out the photo album. I hoped that he wouldn't think it was too sappy, but I also wanted to give him some memory of us.

"I made this for you." I blurted, bashfully handing him the goodbye gift. He slowly took the album from me. He slowly took a seat on the edge of his bed, where the sheets were fumbled around. He delicately opened the book and began to flip through the pages, taking time to look at each picture.

"Just for memories and stuff." I nervously explained. Oh god he probably thinks this is stupid.

"Raina..." he continued to flip through it.

"I just..." I was speechless. I had nothing else to say to hide the nerves I was beginning to feel.

"I'll never forget you, you know that right?" he said setting the book aside. My pulse skipped a beat as I nodded.

"This is almost a better present than the gopro." He laughed jokingly but I could detect the sadness in his voice.

"I don't want you to ever...resent me or anything. Shit happens I get that. It sucks that things have to...end so abruptly..." he struggled for words.

"I don't want to hold you back and for you to end up hating me." he stopped to clear his throat. My heart sank into my chest, predicting his next words.

"You should be able to...see or hookup with other people. I don't want to be the reason that you don't. And vise versa. I don't want something and you end up hating me. If we both just, agree to end things nice and simple, then I think things will end positively. We wont end up despising one another." He said softly. I knew he was right; I just wasn't ready to hear the words come out of his mouth. I didn't want to hear those words.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed, my eyes welling with tears. This was the end.

"But this summer was the best summer. I will always remember it. Not that either of us can forget." He showed a sad smile.

He reached for his phone, unlocking it. I noticed the wallpaper was the picture of us taken by Josh when we were kissing at the tattoo parlor. He went into his videos and began to play the video of me getting my tattoo.

"Oh god." I hide my face in my hands out of embarrassment.

"This is priceless, I'll be watching this every night." He teased me playfully shoving my shoulder with his.

"Nooo." I groaned.

"Fine I'll film another one then." He began to film me with his phone as I covered my face with my hands trying to walk away. He pushed me onto the bed, still filming, holding me down. He pulled my hands trying to prevent me from covering my face. I removed my shield and looked up at him. I reached for his phone, turning it off and tossing it to the edge of the bed. Jacob remained, straddling my lap, gazing into my eyes. My heart was melting all over again and I desperately wanted to be with him one last time.

His lips lingered above mine before finally pressing down. I slowly opened my mouth allowing his access. I didn't know how far things would go but I continued to kiss him, savoring each detail. His taste, his touch, the way his fingers were laced through my hair, the way his soft lips would leave mine only for a couple seconds of air.

"Fuck." The ring of Jacobs cell phone interrupted us. He reached over and answered it.

"Yeah? Yeah its at my house, I'll bring it don't worry...yeah we're just about to leave." He sighed into the receiver.

"We should probably leave now." he spoke quietly, running his hand through his hair. He stood up from the bed and began to pace back and forth the room.

"Okay." but I stayed seated on the bed, watching Jacob walk back and forth. He finally stopped and walked over to me, kissing me, quickly moving his lips against mine. He pulled off his shirt and begins to unbutton his pants.

"Really quick baby okay?" he answered my confused expression. I nodded and lifted my arms, allowing him to undress me.

He quickly pushes into me, filling me with his length. I moan and scratch my nails against his back. If the pleasure wasn't so enticing, I would probably be in tears at the fact that this would be our last time being so close

I focus my attention on the quick but deep thrusts. Jacob brings my lips to his and simultaneously kisses me. His hands move from my waist to my breasts and through my long hair. It's like he's touching me one last time. The room is silent, excluding my moans and Jacobs ragged breaths.

"Come on baby, one last time let me hear you say my name." Jacob pants.

"Fuck, I love you Jacob." I manage to say.

A wave of pleasure hits me, causing me to arch my back and eventually sink into the bed. I feel my body go numb from the euphoric feeling. Responding immediately to me, Jacob finishes shortly after. The act was rushed and too short, but it was better than nothing.

This was it. The end of summer. Our last goodbye.

"I love you so much and I'll miss you." He groans, almost crying.

"I love you." My voice cracks as I place a kiss on his lips.


Sorry I low-key disappeared and haven't updated in a while. I'll probably update again either tonight or tomorrow. If more people vote I'll update sooner.

Not trying to sound annoying or anything but it would really help me out if more people could vote or comment. I'm pretty far along with this story and try to update often. I would love to know whether or not this story sucks or not but it's hard when no one is giving me feedback hahah.

It would be appreciated if people could vote or comment.

If you're interested in more steamy romance novels and are 18+ (or mentally prepared to read 18+ stories lol), I have a new story called "Working For Mr. Fioravanti". If you have the time, it'd mean a lot if you could check that out and give me some feedback on it.

I know I have some frequent readers and I was thinking of doing a giveaway or something. Idk how that would work out but we'll see hahahah.

Also follow me and I'll make sure to follow you back and check out some of your stories. I'm constantly looking for more stories to add to my library so follow me!

If you have a tumblr, follow me and I'll probably follow you. I just started to get super into tumblr again hahahah. @beachpeach102

I'm extremely bored with my life sometimes so if you are too, message me and we can have a conversation lolol

Okay I'm done! Thanks for reading! ❤️

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