Can a boy be this beautiful?

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Bright is a very sweet guy , who is very humble to everyone and he talks nicely to everyone and everyone who comes across him seems to love him , that's how lovable his personality is.

He was told that a new assistant manager will join hus team today and he was waiting in a room for P'Boy to bring that boy to him so they can be acquainted before he head home to catch some sleep. It's been so long since he had a day off even half day off , so he would not let anyone disturb him for a second after that meeting, he will instantly head home and will sleep his ass off .

He was scrolling through his phone when he heard knocking , he let the person in without turning his face. The person entering the room coughed to catch his attention and that's when Bright's whole world stopped as he turned around and saw a guy no actually a very beautiful guy standing there looking like he is daydreaming.  He had this milk white skin , such a soft face and had this bunny smile , Bright was struck by his beauty and murmured ' Can a boy be this beautiful?' and that instant he had this feeling that this guy here is going to turn his
world upside down.

As soon as they introduced themselves, much to Bright's dismay P'Boy took the boy with him Leaving Bright alone with his thoughts about this boy while he was caressing the hand he touched and was smiling to himself.

After the meeting, he was about to go home when someone from the team came and informed him that Win, his beautiful boy is going to  accompany him to the event tomorrow as P'Boy has other business to attend to and Oh boy he swears he has never been this excited to go to an event before . He doesn't  even know why he was more happy about an event than his rest day. After that he was walking towards the exit smiling, whistling to himself that's when he saw Win , it seemed like he was waiting for a ride to go home and without wasting a second, Bright reached him and asked 'Hey, do you want a ride , I can drop you if you want? ' There he was willing to waste his precious time being a driver to someone he just met instead of rushing home .  Why did he even do this ???

So this is what happened that shocked Win , obviously if a superstar ask you to drive in his car the day you met him , it doesn't feel normal or does it ?

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