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Bright's baby  just walked away from him without listening to what he has to say and Bright tried to get away from the crowd and catch up to Win but he couldn't they all kept asking for selfies and autographs and he couldn't deny them afterall he loves them too maybe not as much as he loves his baby but still he does love them.

With that two days passed by and Win started  avoiding Bright , he is not listening to Bright just repeating the same thing 'Please leave me alone' . Bright can't deny that he was hurt but nevertheless he still kept trying. Boy being the smartass he is, figured something is wrong between Bright and Win , so he gathered both of them in the same room and locked the door from outside saying ' You guys should talk things out or else you won't be able to work together '. Bright couldn't be more grateful to Boy for giving him a chance to speak to his boy .

Win was sitting on the couch , playing with his fingers anxiously, when Bright went sat down next to him and said ' Baby why are you avoiding me ? ' All Win responded was 'You wanted reasons and I gave you the reasons now what do you want ? ' and with that he stood up and was about to walk away when Bright pulled him towards himself by wrist and win landed on Bright's lap ,before Win could do get up Bright  tightly hugged him from behind forbidding him from going , after resisting for a while Win gave in , Bright adjusted their position and now Win is sitting in Bright's lap his side facing Bright's and Bright's hands circling his waist , he said 'Yes baby you have already given me your reasons but shouldn't you listen to what I have to say in response to those reasons' , that bunny just nodded apologetically, Bfjghy continued ' Good , first of all you are more than enough my baby , You are smart , kind , beautiful , caring , you possess every quality an amazing person should have maybe even more than that and baby you are the most beautiful human in my eyes , your smile lights my world up , when I see this face , my tiredness, my worries everything just disappears in thin air , You make me complete. All this time I had everything but I still felt something was missing and that feeling went away the moment I saw you . I don't care what others might think about us , I love you and that's all that matters , so never ever doubt yourself you are always good enough, Always !! ' Bright could see Win melting but still Win said nothing but all this time his eyes were locked with Bright's, his hands were holding Bright's fingers that was on his waist ,  that counts for something, doesn't it ? Bright further said ' As I said, I love you my baby bunny, yes I have to be affectionate to others that's part of my job but always remember everything is for cameras , they can have my hugs or kisses obviously fake hugs and kisses , they can have my body but baby you , you have my heart and no one else can ever have that. You are my home. I am so head over heels for you that I can never ever fall out of love with you if anything I will keep falling deeper' . Bright could feel the mist in his eyes , Win still haven't uttered a word , he buried his face in Bright's chest and Bright took it as cue that he is going in the right direction and he should continue so he did ' I will always prove you my love by my actions, I will make sure you never lack reassurance or you never have doubts about my love for you , please baby claim me all yours , I have been yours from the moment my eyes met yours my Baby Bunny ' . Now Bright could hear Win crying against his chest, he tightened the hug from one hand and used his other hand to lift Win's chin up , now him facing me , his face so close to Bright's that I could feel Win's breath mingled with his , ' I love you Win , I really do can you please give me a chance ? Please please please ' he gave him the puppy eyes 🥺 .

Win was crying mess , he tried to speak but again started crying it happened for like four times then he finally gave up instead gave Bright a peck on cheeks , Bright's cheeks got all heated up from that little peck and he couldn't contain his hap...

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Win was crying mess , he tried to speak but again started crying it happened for like four times then he finally gave up instead gave Bright a peck on cheeks , Bright's cheeks got all heated up from that little peck and he couldn't contain his happiness anymore , so he gave Win a long kiss on his forehead and  smiled with his forehead against Win's then he showered Win's face with kisses , he was kissing his baby all over his face then finally Win stopped him and said while sobbing ' Thank you for loving me , I will try my best to keep my heart open for you , P'Bai ' with that he again pecked his Bai's cheek this time with a sniff kiss . Little did he knew that he has already fallen for Bright too .

Bright leaned forward to kiss him on lips but stopped when they heard knob of the door being unlocked Win instantly pushed Bright and got up from his lap , wiped the tears on his face .

Boy came and gestured asking if everything is okay , Bright and Win both responded in unison 'All sorted' . Boy smiled and disappeared in thin air. And Bright's baby once again  ran away from there feeling shy.

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