Quality time 🔞

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Bright didn't know that his work will increase ten folds after the announcement but it was all worth it , atleast now he can take his Win to the dates he actually deserve not the places where they have to hide.
It's just 3 days left before he leaves, and now him and Win both have taken 3 days leave from their work from tomorrow and he can't wait to spend all the time with his baby. It's been so long since they stayed together for a long time. He can't wait for our tomorrow's date . Bright start giggling thinking about the date he has  prepared for Win .

Bright woke up in the morning with an excellent view in front of him. His baby was in deep sleep , his hair all messed up , lips slightly parted , beautiful face. Bright removed hair from his face and tucked them behind his hair , Win flinched because of sudden touch but then snuggled closer to Bright with his face on chest , he slowly opened his eyes , lifted his face to look at his Bai and said 'Good morning babe' , Bright smiled and kissed his lips lightly. They stayed there like that for a while. But when Win saw the time , the manager in him woke up and he panicked 'oh no !! It's late , Dew has a photoshoot today , I need to go ' , Bright pushed him back on his chest as he got up instantly to get ready for work 'Baby , we took our days off, we have a date today , you forgot' he said sulking. 'Aaah , I forgot , sorry na . It's been so long without taking days off so it just slipped through my mind' Win said cutely trying to make up with bright and Bright melted the moment Win looked at him with his puppy eyes but he had to have some fun with it , 'We are going out together for the first time after making our relationship public, it's so important for me but judging by what just happened I don't think it's important to you' he said looking angry. Win looked tense , he was about to cry so Bright had to cut his act short 'but I have a condition if you fulfill it then I'll forgive you ' he continued. Win responded immediately 'What condition? I swear , I will do anything you want please just don't be angry na' , 'See you promised now you can't back off ' Bright said happily. 'Yes , I won't backoff , please tell me now' he plead . 'Later, let's just take a shower now' .

In any other circumstances Win would have refused to take shower with Bright knowing he never takes just shower with him but today he was in no position to reject Bright's offer , since he has already hurt him . So they went in shower , Win was about to get rid of my clothes when Bright stopped him . He went back in the room and hurried back but this time he had something in his hands , winyyelled looking at his hands 'Shiiiiaaaa , Why do you have handcuffs with you in shower? , 'To tie your hands , what else' Bright replied with a flat tone. And in no time Win's hands were cuffed with the tap. 'How am I supposed to take a shower like this?' Win complained pointing his eyes towards his hands. 'I'll take care of it ' Bright smirked.

Bright turned the shower on and started sucking and licking on Win's adam apple then he moved towards the side of his neck leaving a trail of bruises all over his neck. He went on to lick Win's earlobe and whispered huskily , 'Kneel down' . Win obeyed instantly after looking at Bright's intense chocolate eyes. Bright pulled his pants and boxer down in a go and his little Bright flung open in front of Win's waiting mouth, he pushed it in Win's mouth roughly and started fucking his mouth giving him no time to adjust. Tears escaped Win's eyes due to the excessive mixture of pain and pleasure.

'Aaahhh , Win so fucking perfect, I am .......' he moaned loudly as he filled Win's mouth with his cum and win licked all of it. Bright stood Win up by holding his shoulders and started unbuttoning his shirt with his mouth leaving sloppy kisses on the way , he licked Win's belly button before coming up again and attacking Win's swollen lips.

(Time skip) 🤭

'See because of you we got late' Win said hurrying towards the gate as they were late for their date 'but baby you didn't complaint back then' , Bright said teasingly. As soon as they sat in car , Bright blindfolded Win as the date location was a surprise for him. They talked about anything and everything be it families , friends, their work  throughout the journey . Suddenly Bright stopped the car turned to Win and said 'Baby , I have to pick something up , I'll be back in a minute.' he left patting Win's head.

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