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KingSombraTheTyrantRuler aka yours truly sat down for another round of typing, deciding to finally update The Fall of Sunset Shimmer.

However, before his fingers could even touch the keyboard a certain pink pony with a darker pink mane appeared out of nowhere, causing him to back away from the keyboard.

The momentary panic subsided as he looked at the pastel pony, "Pinkie Pie?" He rubbed his eyes, "Am I imagining things or what?"

"No, you're not imagining things," she reassured the surprised author. "As you know I control the multiverse, and-"

"I thought Discord controlled it?"

"A common misconception," she sighed and then continued. "As I was saying, before you interrupted me" she made no effort to hide her glare "I control the multiverse, and it includes all these universes you bronies create. From time to time I decide to check on the fanfiction because they are interesting, and your one grabbed my interest. But when I started reading it, to say I was disappointed would be an understatement,

"You're not even putting in any real effort: all you're doing is just copy and pasting the original episodes and editing them."

She held a hoof up to indicate she was not done talking. "Come on man, put in some effort. Change the way things turn out! Show that you've got some creativity! I'm sure that if you put in a little more effort you'd be more capable of getting the motivation to write chapters for it!"


"Here's what I want you to do. Delete all the old chapters because they're simply terrible- I mean all that not edited punctuation marks, and other stuff... But make sure to post this chapter first, okay?"

"Okay. I've got a question though."


"Should I start by putting in- I mean, how should I start it?"

"Try giving the readers a view into Sunset's backstory first, how she came to become Princess Celestia's student and maybe a little information on Sombra too. You could also have him be the Princesses' student if you want- I mean if they're gonna have some sort of relationship like you're planning for it would be best to have them be a little familiar with each other. They could have a tragic background- I mean you're gonna have to explain how Sombra ended up in Canterlot instead of staying in the Crystal Empire plus all those time differences..."


"What I'm trying to say is- show the difference between Sunset being Celestia's student as opposed to Twilight being in her normal role, And yes, you can put in some time magic stuff if it helps you."

Yours truly jumps off his chair and grins, picking Pinkie Pie up and hugging her. "You're the best Pinkie- I can tell that this edited version will be a lot better."

"No probs," she also grinned. "I need to go now, do you have anymore questions to ask?"

He looked a little hesitant. "C-can I- you know... S-"

"Ya wanna feel my cute pony ears? Sure. By the way, I'm gonna leave you a special magical pony coffee so you can get some energy."


The Fall of Sunset Shimmer

Chapter One


The Fall of Sunset ShimmerWhere stories live. Discover now