A Revelation

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The Fall of Sunset Shimmer
Chapter One

A while had passed since their test, a few years in fact, and the foals had matured.

Previously, they used to spend a lot of time with each other, but now? They were rarely seen together and hardly talked.

That may be due to their schedules, with Sombra having to remain awake at night and Sunset at the day, but true friends would always find a way to be together.

Princess Celestia started pacing in the throne room, worried for her student.

Sunset Shimmer had proved to be very efficient in magic but her power caused her to treat others as below her.

In others words her student was arrogant and believed herself as better than everyone.

She was not given peace for long as the throne room doors opened and a very familiar unicorn entered.

"Princess Celestia-"


"You didn't even know what I was going to ask!" Sunset whined.

"Sunset Shimmer," the mare stiffened as she knew the Princess only used her full name when she was in trouble. "We are not going to make you a Princess now. You are not ready."

"Why? I know more than enough things to become a Princess- I'm ready!"

Celestia sighed and took a sip of her cold cup of tea. "Sunset. When the time comes, We'll tell you. A good Princess should be efficient in magic, but they also have to know how to socialize with other ponies. They have to show that they're a good pony so ponies will support them."

"So, what do I have to do to complete that last step?" Sunset dragged her hoof down her face.

"We want you to go and make some friends."

"Ugh, friends? Really Princess? I could be doing so many more-"

"You know, We think you're actually afraid of friendship. Are you? There's no other reason that could explain why you refuse to talk to any pony beside Us. Are you scared of interacting with other ponies?"

"No... It's just..." Sunset looked away. "Nevermind."

"Sunset," the Princess commanded. "Look at me. Did something...happen in your foalhood?"

Sunset turned her face towards her mentor but refused to meet her gaze, with her mane hiding her face so Celestia could not see her expression. Her answer was barely louder than a whisper. "Yes."

"Do you want to talk about it? Wait, not here." A flash of light and they were in Celestia's chambers. The Princess sat on a beanbag and Sunset sat next to her. "Now?"

Sunset opened her mouth to speak but was hesitant.

"Come on, you can trust Us. We won't tell anypony."

Sunset sighed before saying, "Remember how on the first day we met, while you and Princess Luna were disguised, you asked where our parents where?"

"Yes. And Sombra told me that you two were orphans."

"Well... Sombra never knew his parents, but I knew mine for a few years. Until the Empire disappeared, that was."

A long pause followed this statement, as if Sunset couldn't decide whether to continue or not.

She put her head in the Alicorn's lap, and Celestia stroked her student's mane, offering some comfort.

"My mother died while giving birth to me, so I lived with my father... But he loved my mom so much that when she died, he used alcohol as a coping method. He would go out every night and come back drunk. It was like that until I was seven. Then he started to bring his drinks home and I did my best to stay out of his way as he would shout at me and blame me for my mom's death, saying that she died because of me... And one day-"

Here Sunset broke down, as the memories of what had happened flooded her head.

However, Celestia already guessed what happened. "You don't need to continue, Sunset."

"No, I-I need to get this out. I've held it in for so long... I need to get it out." Sunset took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. "One day he came to my room and said I looked exactly like my mother. Then he began...touching me in places that nopony should touch anypony, and he did things that no father should do to their foal. He- he took my innocence away...." Sunset collapsed into her mentors lap and was unable to stop the tears.

"You know, it was really hard for me to even talk to Sombra. But he helped me. I never told him all this, but he understood that something happened to me and he stood up for me, he helped me so much... And what have I done for him? I've done nothing... I've repaid his kindness by not even bothering to talk to him..."

"Don't worry... We'll make sure that stallion gets the punishment he deserves once the Empire returns..."

She was horrified. What sort of parents would do that to their own foals? Perhaps it was for the best that she had failed to rescue some of the ponies from the Empire or Sunset still would've been going through the abuse...

After a while Sunset calmed down and wiped her eyes, after which she moved her mane out of her face.

"I try to act better than everypony so they wouldn't talk to me... I act cold so they wouldn't approach me... And I stay with my books for most of the day because it gives me an excuse to not go anywhere and I don't have to be with ponies...because I fear that they might treat me like he did."

Sunset sat up and Celestia offered her a tissue. "We're so sorry... We never knew... You know what? You don't have to make friends if you don't want to. All this time We've been putting so much pressure on you..." Tears of her own began to fall.

"When you offered to let Sombra and I live with you, I was scared you might do the same thing... But I saw something in your eyes- a sparkle that told me you wouldn't hurt me. For some reason, I trusted you straight away...



"Never mind. It was a silly thought anyways..."

"We won't laugh at you."

"Would you... Well, could we... Perhaps we could have a day out? Like, you could put your Sunny Skies disguise on and I could disguise myself too?"

"A day out?" Looking at Sunset's hopeful eyes, which were still a little red from crying, she made her decision. "Sure; why not?"

Author's Note: Tell me how Sunset's backstory was; I made it from scratch.

I just had an idea-  I mean if anyone had to go through that they wouldn't want to communicate much with others, would they? I don't really know...

To think that I published a chapter yesterday and one today... Maybe if you all are lucky there'll be one tomorrow too :raritywink:

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