From an infinite space in the Universe even the Sun is indistinguishable. It appears to be a layer of dust piled on top of each other. When we delve deeper into the dust, we can clearly see the specific layer.
Similarly, we humans and other organisms live inside a big ball of atom known as Earth. As we all know, dust is made up of tiny little particles that move when the air moves. As there is Air present inside this big atomic ball earth, we move around or inside it in the same way.
We are so small that even from a significant distance, the other person (dust) cannot see us.
Among all the dust in the universe, we are a kind of intellectual, emotional dust that strives to always be connected to the other dust particle.
This Dust (Humans) is also selfish, developing EGO and trying to ensure that it is connected to another dust particle.
You may wonder (or question) why we are compared to dust.
This is not a comparison; rather, it is the truth.
When we die, we are buried in the ground or burned into ashes, which mix with the air and turn us back into dust.
People travelling from one location to another are nothing more than dust particles blown (or) transported to the other region via the medium of air.
When something good happens, it rejoices as if it were the largest particle in the universe.
But the truth is nothing.It's absolutely nothing....Consider what would happen if everyone in the world eventually realize the truth. Emotions such as EGO, selfishness, negativity, frustration, unhappiness, will fade at first.
All of these are utterly pointless thoughts.When thought disappears, so does our communication.
We have nothing to do and nothing to share, and the atom (EARTH) falls silent. Again, it makes no difference if we make NOISE (or) DANCE (or) SHOUT (or) DESTROY because we are a tiny particle called DUST...
SpiritualTHE LIFE IS SIMPLY "NOTHING" is a self-help book in which a soul shares the experience of life as it embarks on the spiritual journey and shares another useless thought.