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We Human beings have the ability to think about anything we have in mind. Thinking became so powerful that it began to occupy the mind the majority of the time, and each of us developed our own world of belief.

We began to think about various things that were happening around us, and each human believed that their thoughts were so called life.

When the belief grew stronger and stronger, thoughts began to rule the mind and the entire human body. Your actions or reactions were entirely based on the thoughts that triggered the emotions.

When humans first started communicating, they began exchanging ideas, and some of these thoughts were very similar to the thoughts of other human. So they both joined and began exchanging their thoughts, and their level of belief about their thought increased.

Human beings began to form a group of people who had similar thougths to ensure that what they knew is true and developed a belief that what they conceived is the purpose of life.
Many groups emerged, each with their own set of beliefs.

When different groups began to meet, when two belief systems met, when two contradictory thoughts met, and when they began exchanging their own thoughts, questions arose, doubts arose, and we human beings began to question whether our belief system was correct or incorrect.

They questioned among themselves, that "If our belief system is meant to be correct, why is there another group with a different thought or belief?"

People who searched for answer within themselves discovered the truth about life.

The other human beings (or) the majority of human beings who unknowingly believed that their thought was correct or assumed that they were correct unconsciously which lead to the birth of new emotions such as EGO, Jealousy, Criticism, Rivalry, Greed, and Discontent, etc.

Human beings began to wonder, "If my belief is correct, who is he/she from another group with a wrong thought to question my belief?"

Initially, these people used arguments, fights, and other means to persuade the opposing group that their system is flawed. This increased the number of followers in either group. As there were more people with the same thought in the larger group, they were considered more powerful, and they began to dominate the smaller groups of people.

The worst part is that both of them are equally constrained in a belief system which is completely useless.

The major group asked the minor group to preach the thought of major groups as right and they forced them to follow it. The people who opposed it was punished or killed brutally and they also had a leader who was the creator of the belief system and his/her thought will be followed by their followers of the same group.

Finally the number of groups got reduced and the majority of them created a bigger belief system called the SOCIETY. The Society had rules, customs, culture, followers, leaders, slaves, etc and they were divided into sub groups called religion and caste.

The entire society was designed to believe whatever the society's leader says or believes is correct. His useless thought was given top priority, and those who opposed it were punished.

The leader had a large number of slaves, workers, and followers who worked for his well-being and considered their leader's life as their life.

Similarly, the other major group had a different set of rules and ideologies. Human beings with reckless ideas created a society in which they eliminated and took control of all organisms and today we started to protect us from other human beings too.

All of this was caused because of a single thought that evolved in every human being's mind.

So, what is the solution??? Will everything change if we stop thinking? Then what is the role of the human brain?

The answer is that we all unconsciously created our own world of beliefs by simply listening and following to what our ancestors or leaders say.

When we think consciously, we will analyze and have an understanding before pursuing anything. When you are conscious, you do not believe; instead, you use your intellectual mind to properly analyze all that happens.

Analysis, awareness, perceptions, and so on.

Animals, birds, and other organisms are unconscious, and they simply live for survival and die. But we humans have the conscious mind, also known as the sixth sense, an ability with which we can break down all belief systems and create a place free of external barriers and filters.

We will become so useful to the Mother Earth with our conscious minds, and we can live our lives with JOY.


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