Chapter 7: Kitchen Catastrophe

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Bolt's POV

Me and Forest got home and he immediately went to talk to Flare. I decided to go ask Luna about how Forest went this long in life without help I was a little mad about it but, "I shouldn't get mad at Luna it isn't her fault he ended up with the false information he had, anyway I seriously am not a good friend for just not simply asking questions and not noticing the signs." I thought and the more I thought about it as I went upstairs to Luna's room the more it all made sense. I arrived at Luna's door and knocked,

*Knock Knock*

....But no one answered, "Weird she's usually in her room most of the day when she has no work?" I thought, but then I heard arguing coming from the kitchen, well here we go again, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to have to quickly duck under a flying plate,

"Ok what's going on in here and who threw that plate!"

I said a little mad, and the two who where arguing quickly stopped and it was Phy and Sylvia, "Ok what's happening it must be really heated if it got Sylvia as mad as she looks." I thought a little scared for what I'm getting into,

"Oh thank Arcues your here Bolt please tell Sylvia to chill out."

Phy said happy to see me, but Sylvia got even more mad,

"Chill out seriously! Bolt this lazy Slakoth isn't fully cleaning the dishes and is refusing to reclean them!"

Sylvia yelled with a lot of anger, I go ahead and check the dishes to see what she's talking about, "Wait this was cleaned? It doesn't even look like a drop of soap was used and only water." I thought as I looked at what was supposedly cleaned dishes,

"Yea I have to go with Sylvia on this one Phy you seriously need to reclean these."

I told him calmly, Sylvia had a proud smirk on her face and Phy well he wasn't happy,

"What I cleaned them as best as I could I don't see the problem."

Phy said, 

"Dude these dishes don't even look like they had a single drop of soap put on them, and seriously if you don't see the problem you should get your eyes checked."

I said a little irritated,

"My eyes checked really, well if I did such a bad job why don't you do it if you can do it better."

Phy said, he was getting pretty mad,

"No it's your day don't be lazy about it do you want to get us sick!"

I responded, how hard is it to just accept you did a bad job and fix it,

"Now your also calling me lazy. I'm not lazy! I'm the one who got us all together in this house is that something a lazy pokemon can do!? No!"

He responded very angry, oh seriously using that as an excuse,

"You've been the laziest pokemon I've ever known you always waited last minute, always late to your job we have to wake you up every morning so you don't get fired!"

I responded, oh I'm so done with his lazy I don't give a shit attitude,

"Oh yea at least I can fix problems without other's help!"

He yelled, Sylvia who was getting scared,

"Ok both of you shut up!"

She yelled, me and Phy shut up still angry but we looked at her,

"What are you two saying this isn't about the original problem your just insulting each other, you two are bestfriends for crying out loud."

She said, we both realized we took it too far but nether of use wanted to admit it,

"Fine I'll redo the dishes."

Phy said begrudgingly,

"I'm going to talk to Luna."

I said walking away, I could see that Sylvia had a sad look but I had other things to go deal with, "Ugh I'm so pissed at Phy! I should not have said what I said but it was the truth and I won't apologize for that." I thought as I looked for Luna. I finally found her walking out of Shard's room,

"Hey Luna I have a question if it's ok for you to answer?"

I told her,

"Oh hey Bolt and sure as long as it's not that bad."

She responded, well it is bad but I need an answer,

"Alright well does Forest have autism?"

I asked, Luna was shocked by the question,

"Uh well yes but why you ask?"

She questioned,

"Well I was helping Forest out with his tripping problem and well I asked him why he was doing certain things that was causing him to trip and he told me about why and that he had autism."

I told her and she seemed a little scared,

"What did he say was the reason?"

She asked,


I explained about the consoler, and why he got pulled out of special education, she looked really pissed after I was done explaining,

"How did I not know about this our Mom said he finished special ed not that he was kicked out and oh if I ever see that consoler again she's so gonna get it."

She said with a lot of anger and I understand if it happened to Flare I would feel the exact same,

"Most likely your Mom was lied to as well, I understand your anger but don't worry I told Forest to get help from Flare she also has autism, I also told him the correct information so no need to worry."

I told her to calm her down and she did,

"Thank you Bolt for helping him out, I should probably go to my room it's getting dark so goodnight."

She thanked me before walking away,


I said back before heading to my room also to go to sleep after a long eventful day.

Chapter 7 End

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