chapter 2

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The explosions, screams, and chaos was all the people in the cart could hear. "I think rick got out." M/n joked and as he did the door opened. Like he was summoned rick was there. M/n wasted no a second to jump out.

"I'm getting my fucking axe trapper will help me find you!" He called running in random ways along the way he covered himself in blood.

He found a wearhouse and went inside but i woman was in there with Daryl's bow. "Give me Daryl's bow and I'll make your death faster."

"Daryl? Your with Daryl? Is rick with you? What about carl or maggie?"

"Woah woah, you know them?" M/n asked.

"Yeah i came to get them out. Old friend." M/n nodded and found found the two axes he came with alone with the matching one Alex has, taking all three.

He went with her to a old gym. It was like a cult. A woman came in and told them to lower her weapons bit Carol had a hidden gun she used. They fought before m/n pinner the woman to the floor.

"Alex Olsen. Tall 6'2,soft black hair,beautiful dark brown eyes. He had one of two axes here where is he." He hissed.

"He was barely here. Left before this place turned to shit-"

"All i needed." M/n said letting go nodding to Carol who opened the door. The walkers going after the woman leaving the rotten flesh covered m/n and Carol alone.

M/n went with Carol to meet with the others. He whistled and trapper came to him with dried blood on his beck, at least he was eating. "Track." He said and trapper flew off. While he waited for him to return m/n took off his blood covered shit with some chunks of walkers on it. And Carol took off her blanket-jacket.(idk wtf its called a blazer?)

Soon trapper flew back and m/n jumped up. "This way" he said taking the cross bow and helping Carol up. The two ran the way trapper was taking them and soon met with the group. They hugged Carol and cried slightly.

M/n gave Daryl his bow. "You definitely didn't look as big as you where." Michonne snickered. Was true after the almost 3 year of endless killing walkers and fighting them, m/n got his work in for it.

"My shirt was sadly lost in the great Terminus war." M/n joked. Looking around. "We all ok?"


"I'd think i have something you'd like to see." Carol said as the group began to walk in the direction she was taking them.

"The hell?" M/n whispered to himself. As rick and carl ran to a man with a baby. "Just be his baby huh." He said petting trapper lightly.

"We need to go." M/n said looking back at the smoke in the sky. Revealing the precise location of Terminus, or at least what's left.

"No we need to go back we need to make sure there dead." Rick said back.

"Rick no. I agree with m/n we need to leave." Michonne said, some others agreeing.

"I can get there's some tension and its not my place, so I'll go that way," he pointed in the way he was going. " I'll see what i can find

He was quick to leave to look and see if he could find anything in the woods. When he heard a scream for help. In the case its a survivor of those fuckers he ran to it. It was a priest surrounded by walkers. Soon the others came and m/n killed two of the walkers while they dealt with the rest.

"Are you ok Father?" M/n asked helping the priest.

"Yes, yes thank you all of you."

"Of course Father. I'm m/n and this group." M/n said motioning to the others.

"Greetings..the church is close by its safe i been staying there if you'd like to join me."

"What's the call rick, i think we should." Michonne said. After some talking that m/n stayed out of they ended up following him to the church.

The whole time leaving m/n thinking. And the church was in fact safe and nice. And once they all settled in they had a meal together. One of the first in a while. A actual meal, like a family.

Standing up m/n spoke. "If uh i can say a word or two. First thank you for having us Father. And thank you Rick for having me. No means am i a people-person even before the walkers. But this i mean this is far more amazing and nicer then any meal like this i had before the walkers.

You guys your family and you stick together. I like that. And i mean no disrespect when i say I'll be leaving soon. Your my friends and i appreciate all of you, but i have to find my peice of of paradis. And truth is i wanted to just disappear in the night tonight. I'm not good with people like i said, but i don't think i can with you guys.

And to help you for helping me. Ill tell you what i know so listen closely.

Walkers like fire. They overly like fire.

They decompose, there dead bodies why wouldn't they.

I don't think they can swim, think about how could they? So deep water. Safe. Should be

They lost human emotions. So they are animal's keep that in mind it will safe you. Don't look at them like humans look at them like animals.

The rest i imagine you know already."

"Are you sure you wanna leave?" Michonne asked.

"Yeah. Terminus was a blank. But there are other places out there i know for a fact there is at least two. I can't slay the name or place. Saftey ya know." M/n said getting his axes putting them in their holster. "But Alex is always safe." He said walking to the door. "Always safe." And like that he was gone.

A/n: shit post but trust.

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