- Memory Remains (Sparbossa)

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Just a little thing based on this photo from Dead Man's Chest.



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He wasn't expecting to find Barbossa's hat in Tia Dalma's hut. Not lying out in the open, anyway. He had guessed that Tia Dalma would have retrieved Barbossa from the Isle de Muerta, considering he is one of the nine pirate lords, and she just might need him for something. And honestly, it does rather sound a lot like something she'd do.

And it seems that his assumption was proven correct, which means Hector should be here somewhere. Where, and in what state, Jack isn't sure. Nor is he sure if he even wants to know. Not as all the memories come flooding back to him.

All the good memories of moments in time before the mutiny. The memories of the countless times he and Hector had spent the night together in the Captain's cabin. Memories of their bodies, hot and covered in sweat moving against each other as they work to get themselves off. Or memories of them sharing a bottle of red wine or rum between them at night away from the crew.

They're good memories, and he'll always treasure the good times he had with the older pirate before he was betrayed by him and left for dead on that fucking island.

But... as a result of the mutiny, and then him having killed Barbossa, the memories have rather turned sour, and he had thought he had managed to bury and lock them away deep in his mind, never to resurface again. However, here he is now, holding Barbossa's blasted hat and the damn memories are forcing their way through.

He doesn't like it.

He doesn't like it, and wishes that he could just erase all those memories from his mind permanently.

Unfortunately, that'll never happen. Not when deep down, despite everything that's happened between them, Jack still loves Barbossa. He'll never stop loving the old bastard, no matter what happens between them.

"He's here if you wish to see."

Tia Dalma's voice next to him catches him off guard. He wasn't expecting her to come over to his side, or even say anything to him regarding Barbossa, and he drops the hat back where he had found it.

No. He doesn't wish to see him. Not really, anyway. He finds himself rather afraid of what state he may find him in. Is he still dead, or is he alive? Or somewhere between alive and dead?

"I don't think I can..." He says, just loud enough for only Tia Dalma to hear him, although he does notice that Will is watching him curiously, but he ignores him.

Tia Dalma doesn't say anything more to him regarding Barbossa, as she moves to go sit back down at the table, going on about something that he's barely paying attention to, even though he really should be. But he can't help it. Those damn memories just won't bloody go away.

Especially as he makes the mistake of looking off towards the room where Barbossa's monkey had run off to, and notices the lifeless body of one Hector Barbossa lying on the bed. And he has to stop himself from running in there and over to him as his heart begins to ache for the older pirate.

He hates how much he still loves Barbossa and that there's a part of him that still wants him after everything, even if he has come to terms with it. He just doesn't like how much he still desires to be with Barbossa.

Right now is no exception, as he struggles to pull his gaze away from Barbossa's lifeless body that'll no doubt be brought back to life by Tia Dalma at some point very soon.

And when that happens.... When Tia Dalma brings him back, Jack isn't sure what he's going to do. Or how he's going to cope knowing that the man he loves (and ideally shouldn't love after all that's happened between them) is once again, alive.

Just the thought of Barbossa being alive and well sends a shiver up his spine. In a good or bad way, he's not sure.

All he knows for certain, is that he still very much wants Barbossa (even though he shouldn't), and yearns for those moments they had together before the mutiny. Because despite how much the memories have turned sour, and he's tried his damn best to keep them buried deep within his mind, they're still good memories.

Very good memories, and he finds that he very much wants to relive every single one of them. Even if he shouldn't....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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