- Sneaking Into Father's Study

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Just a little one-shot involving a young Jack Sparrow. Also as far as I'm aware, nothing is known about Jack's mother, and I have a slight headcanon that she's a witch, so she's a witch in this one-shot, because why not?


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" A young girl with dirty blonde hair no more than thirteen years old asks her companion - a young dirty boy with shaggy dark brown, almost black hair. "What if we get caught?"

The boy looks over at her from where he's crouched next to her hidden behind barrels of rum outside his father's study. The one room in his house he's never allowed to go in.

"Don't worry." The boy says. "My father's not home. We won't get caught."

The girl doesn't look too sure. "I thought the Misty Lady is supposed to be returning to port today?" She asks. "And your mother is still home."

The boy looks over at her, shaking his head. "No, it's not coming into port until tomorrow."

Now that she has mentioned that, the boy grows concerned that he's gotten the dates mixed up for when his father is returning home. He's sure he hasn't gotten them mixed up though, he's absolutely sure of it.

Though yes, there's still the issue of his mother being home still, and she can be just as terrifying as his father. If not worse given the fact she's a witch.

"Maybe we should just go." The girl says. "Jack, please." She looks behind her towards the stairs, expecting to see Jack's mother coming up the stairs and over to them.

But Jack ignores her request, and makes his way over to the door of his father's study, picking the lock and making his way inside.

All the girl can do is sigh, and follow her friend into the room. If Jack gets caught, then she's to get caught with him. She can't just abandon her friend if he gets caught. They're in this together.

Jack smiles as he sees that she's followed him in, before he starts to snoop around the room. He's not looking for anything in particular, he's mostly just curious about what his father keeps in here.

Though since his father is the keeper of the code, he knows that his father must keep the book in here somewhere.

He's never seen the actual book before, his father has never let him look at it. Apparently he's too reckless and may damage the old book somehow. To be fair though, he is very reckless, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he'd damage the book. It's just a book after all.

A book that holds the code that all pirates follow....

Aside from the book being hidden away in here, there's got to be a lot more interesting stuff that his father has hidden away. And Jack thinks that his mother keeps a lot of her witch stuff in here too. Probably part of the reason he's never allowed in here.

"So... what are we supposed to be looking for in here?" The girl asks, looking around at everything in the room.

There's a lot of old books, candles, parchment, writing quills and ink pots along with an assortment of old weapons around the room. Even what appears to be an old dog skull atop one of the shelves.

"I think my mother keeps some of her witchy things in here." Jack says. "So uh... be careful."

If his mother does keep some of her things in here - which is likely the case - there's the chance they've got some sort of charm cast on them.

The girl looks over at Jack, before taking a few steps back away from the shelf where there's a few crystals and other various items that look as though they'd belong to a witch rather than a pirate.

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