Oliver & regie pov

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I wish Darren a good bye as I stood up and walk out the room while closing the door gently.I was in the mits walking downstairs until I saw Regie walking pass.I quick hid behind the railings so he wouldn't see me.

I was admiring him from through the railings as he grab a drink from the fridge.Gosh I felt so much butterflies just by looking at him drink.I felt crazy but at the same time inlove.I didn't know how to act I was so busy in my own thoughts that i didn't notice Regie was already gone.

I shook my head and got back to my senses.Gosh I'm maybe to obsessed with this guy.I got up and turn around to be startled by Regie.

I almost choked on my spit .I let out a gasp but not so loud.

Oliver-"R-regie! Um u startled me!"

Regie-"Did I? Sorry."

Oliver-"W-what bring you here-"

I noticed what I said and close my eyes feeling stupid.

Regie-"Uhm what do u mean? I live here."

Oliver-"Oh! Heh- I forgot woops!!"

I said as I was about to walk away until I face planted against the wall.I heard Regie chuckling behind me .My face started to heat up in red as I slowly turned around to see Regie holding his drink.

Regie-"Ur acting weird oli."

Oliver-"N-no I'm not wym?!"

Regie-"I meant what I said,I saw u looking at me from upstairs.Is there something wrong?"

Once I heard that come out from regies mouth I felt a rush of embarrassment run up my spine.I didn't know what to do or what to say.

Regie-"It's fine if u don't wanna talk about it."

Oliver-"No! Uhm-..Can I chat with u actually?"


We both went to my room,While walking I couldn't help but feel embarrassed but flustered at the same time.Once we got to my room I told regie to sit wherever he wants as I slowing shut the door.

Oliver-"I'm gonna make this quick ok."


Oliver-"So Uhm- the thing is .The reason why I was acting like that was because I actually like u.Not brother love,Like feelings ! Like everytime I'm with u I feel happiness ,Everytime u come to the room u always make it better.U shine bright and you make my moon right."


Oliver-"I know it's a lot to take in...I just hope we can be friends still..."

Regie-"Oliver..I don't wanna be friends,I wanna be more then friends,more then brothers.I want u to be mines and I want to be yours.Only yours! I felt the same way for the past months we hung out u just didn't know how to show it or if I had the capability to even show it...Oliver I love u."

Once I heard that coming from Regies mouth I couldn't help but feel so much joy and happiness surrounding my whole body.I immediately jump on Regie and we both went collapsing onto the bed.we both laugh and giggle as we made eye contact.

Regie-"Uhm..May I?"

Regie said as he sat up now me being on his lap.


I giggle as he smiled and we both slowly and gently connected lips.I felt so much butterflies,The kiss was full of passion .
We soon pulled away slowing and stared at each other.



Regie-"I love you."

Oliver-"I love you to."


They both giggle as for the rest of the night they cuddled with each other and laugh together as they watch tv.


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