Chapter 6

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"ARRGH!" Rukia yelled in frustration. She did not like homework, especially when there were more interesting things she could be doing instead. She threw her history book at a wall. It bounced off and plopped onto the floor with a satisfying thud.

She should be with Ichiro, not doing human busy work! Rukia sighed, leaning back in Ichigo's chair.

"There you are. Geez, I've been looking all over for you."

She whirled around. Ichigo was standing behind her, his arms crossed. Rukia hadn't even felt him coming.

"What are you talking about?" she snapped, angry for being startled.

"We have to find them. Come on." He looked different somehow. Slightly taller.

"Find who?" She struggled to figure out what about him was bothering her.

"Real funny, Rukia." He was getting annoyed, and it was showing in his voice. "Let's go." Ichigo hoisted her out of the chair by her arm, trying to lead her out of the room.

Rukia resisted, planting her feet. Ichigo looked back at her incredulously. "What's the matter with you? We don't have time for games, Rukia."

She continued to look at him, probing her mind to find what was bothering her. His clothes were different. He had been wearing a t-shirt and jeans, but now he was wearing sweatpants and a black hoodie. Her eyes traveled up his body, noticing that his hair was slightly longer and...

"Since when are you growing a moustache?" Rukia demanded.

Ichigo dropped her arm, his eyes squinting in fury. "This again?! Why can't you just let it go?" he yelled.

Rukia initially took a step back at the outburst, but soon boiled over with rage. "Don't you yell at me!" she yelled back.

Ichigo growled. "Jesus, you'd think that I would win one time. One time! Fine, Rukia. You win. I'll shave it off. Are you happy now?!"

"I was only asking-"

"I swear, you are a pain in my ass! Remember, you told me no sex until I shaved it. Well I'm shaving it, so there better be sex. Lots of it!"

Rukia was silent, her eyes wide and her mouth open in shock.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He glared at her reaction. She just stared.

His face softened as realization dawned. "Oops," he breathed, the anger completely gone. "Well this is awkward."

Ichiro squealed as he raced down the slide. He laughed when Ichigo caught him at the bottom. "Daddy."

Ichigo knew what he wanted; he set him back at the top of the slide and let him go. He caught him again. Ichiro never seemed to tire of it.

"Well, this was easy."

Ichigo turned around. Rukia stood behind him, a smug look on her face.

"What are you doing here?" he asked tiredly. "You can't have finished your paper already."

"I'm looking for you." Her eyes settled on Ichiro. "And him."

"Go finish your paper, Rukia. I told you, I'm not helping." He headed for the swings.

"Ichigo, look at me."

Ichigo did turn and look at her. Like she was crazy.

Rukia rolled her eyes. She had expected that this wasn't going to be easy. "Don't I seem different to you, Ichigo?" she hinted.

Her hair was clipped up, and she had replaced her dress for a pretty blouse and a nice pair of slacks. Something else was different, something that he couldn't put his foot on.

"Where'd you get the clothes?" he asked suspiciously. Rukia was acting really strange...

"You bought them for me," she stated patiently, watching confusion cross his face.

"Have you been taking money out of my wallet again?" His eyes narrowed. "Oh well. At least you didn't buy more of that bunny shit."

Rukia lost her cool. "Chappy is not shit," she yelled, pointing a finger in his face. "And no, I did not take your money. I'm from the future, dumbass! I'm here to take back my baby."

There was silence. Finally, Ichigo cleared his throat. "I think that you need some sleep. Maybe I should help you with that paper."

"Forget the paper." Rukia grabbed Ichigo's hand, starting to lead him back to their house. "Let's go."

He let himself be led for a couple steps, but soon retrieved his hand. "Kuchiki Rukia, you must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to believe-"

"Kurosaki," she interrupted, her violet eyes meeting his amber ones.

"What? Since when do you call me-?"

"My name. Kurosaki." She held out her hand for him to shake, which Ichigo just stared at. "Kurosaki Rukia. Nice to meet you."

Ichigo gaped at her, and Rukia once again took his hand, this time with no resistance from him. "You may be a dumbass," she smirked, pulling him home, "but you're my dumbass.

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