Think About Me

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She was in hysterics when Frank returned. He heard her sobbing and rushed to her room immediately. Annie sat on the bed clutching her necklace and crying, "I just want to go home!"

Frank sat down next to her, "Look kid, where's home? I'll get you there if I have to take you myself."

She shook her head, realizing that she was trapped in this era forever, "I can't go home... I have no one and no where to go."

Frank looked at her sadly, "Then you'll stay here until I can talk sense into Dean."

"Tell him that I'm sorry that I'm an inconvenience. If he can just help me find a place to live and somewhere to work, I won't bother him for anything."

"Doll, you need to calm down. This is no good for you. I'll give you a job, alright?"

"I don't want to impose anymore..."

Frank interrupted her, "Nonsense, you're a stylish young thing, and I'll put you in charge of being my new dresser. You'll make sure I have all of my suits, pressed and ready for the shows. Okay?"

She nodded and tried to compose herself. "I'm sorry. I'm not usually this emotional."

"It's alright, doll."

After Frank had gotten her to calm down, Dean came into the suite. He looked calm, like he had time to clear his head and think through everything, "Frank, can you give me and Annie some time?"

Frank glanced at Annie, when she gave him a nod that she would be alright, he left.

Annie began nervously rambling, "Frank offered me a job as his dresser. I'll be able to make some money that way, and then I can get a small little house to raise the baby. Since I'll be working for Frank, you can at least see your kid, but we don't have to tell him or her that you're their father. I mean that is..."

Dean knelt down in front of the couch where Annie was sitting, "Stop," he whispered. He was choked up. "Of course, I want my kid to know I'm their father. You don't need to take a job from Frank either. I just need some explanations. You're a mystery to me."

"If I tell you the whole story, do you promise to believe me?"

"I suppose so."

"I need you to promise me that no matter how nuts it sounds, that you will believe me."

"Alright, I will believe whatever you say."

Annie took a deep breath, "Dino, my name is Annie Banks and I was born in 1996. Somehow, someway, I time traveled here from the future."

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