chapter 2..he tries so hard

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Aegon was drinking his wine at his room while he was naked imagine his Kathrine over him

Suddenly his mother alicent entered the room "you escaped last night?..I told you to stop that" said alicent yelled ..aegon look at her with a shock and tried to hide his body with tha cover "ser cristin said you asked about a commoner know that you will marry your sister stop your fuckin whoring " said alicent sharply to her son

"Mother you always force me for things I don't wish for it ..I don't love healena why should I marry could bethrode her to don't even care about me or my feelings mother " said aegon with a drunk voice

Alicent looked at him with a disgusting look
"You don't even do as your little brother does..he always look for his duties not like always failed owe hopes" said alicent with a tear and she left him

Aegon tries but it's not enough for them ..she was a forgotten child..his father just loved him when he was young and his mother was a child when she brought him ..he doesn't have friends or lovers one love him him as aegon

He let out a little sigh and wore his clothes with a commoner claok and made his why to the commoner street..To Katherina's shop specially
He entered the shop and looked at her .."not again aegon " said kath to him she thought he came to just flirting and says dirty words

Aegon looked at her "can..can I talk to a friend or something..or even a mother " said aegon to her ..he really needs anyone to talk
Kath looked at him..her eyes softend "oh.. of course..what's.. happened" said kath with worrying look

Aegon sat down on the chair with his wine bottle Started to drink "just like mother just yelled at me..said I always failed her hope..just they don't love me ..they just fuckin uses me to be a fuckin heir and being a perfect first porn prince..I don't care I really don't..I just need a normal life and be a normal be free but being prince in king's would never I so bad like this ? I wish to just disappear or just die.. father doesn't care about one really.. no one loves me.." said aegon quietly with small warm tears fallen on his face ..he breathin heavily

Kath looked at him with soft eyes and she could understand him.. cause she was also abandoned by her one cares about her too ..she held aegon's hands.. aegon looked at her and smiled a little

"it's gonna be ok..I understand you family left me ..and no one else cares about me ..but it's ok..we can take care about our selves..if you don't wish to rule it's's not a forbidden thing aegon..and you maybe after all their trying.. maybe it will failed not because of you..but because the gods don't want that ..and you have me..I would listen to you..I would be your look a nice friend by the way.." said bella with a small smile while squeezing his hand softly

Aegon smiled at her "thank are.. now we are friends can I buy you something?" Said aegon ..she looked at him with a question look "what would you buy" said kath .."this" aegon said and got out a thing from his's a ring a golden one with a blue Sapphire.."I can't accept it" said kath

"Why.. did you not like it " said aegon with a failed hope at his eyes "no it's beautiful but..i can't accept it "..said kath "hey we are supposed to be friends let it be a gift.. coming from a new friend..I don't want you to see me as prince aegon..see me as aegon ..a cunt" said aegon with a laugh at the end of his words

Kath chuckled and finally accepted the gift
"But I would buy you too something ok ..what do you love or like " said kath to him
"Of course I wouldn't say no to a can buy me something to always remind me of you sweetie" said aegon

Kath liked her new nick name..'s nice
" Ok I got you something " she said while she took out a ring to him's golden one with a matching blue was suitable for his finger "I like it" said aegon with a smile

Kath smiled at him..he seems a nice person

A Wonderful Mistake //Aegon Targeyran \\Where stories live. Discover now