chapter left me

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Ser cristin and the queen locked aegon in his room they also locked the secret it has been 2 moons since that..kath was so worried about her husband..she can't do anything..she can't go to the castle..she can't send him a letter..

Alicent went to her son's chamber..he was just sitting on the bed with his forehead against the window..the sad look on his face..his eyes were puff..

Alicent looked at her son.."aegon.." said alicent
"Hmmm" said aegon "I know you are sad..but it's the only way..I came here to tell you something " said alicent..aegon expected it's happy news but.."you will go with ser cristin to your wife's home and breakup with her..abondon her.." said alicent with cold tone

Aegon started to laugh like a crazy man.."mother you are funny..I will never do that " said aegon with a serious tone

" this case I will have to make ser cristin behave in his own way.. maybe kill her..or the baby" said alicent

Aegon looked at her with an angry look and glared at her..he took forward steps to her "you will not touch her or my son " said aegon glared at her "mother you have no always said that you carried about us and our happiness but..but you are a liar " said aegon

Alicent looked at him with a cold stare "do what I command you or I will behave with it " said alicent and left the chamber

Aegon had 5 hours to think about it..he couldn't leave her..and he couldn't risk her life..he took his decision...

He and ser cristin made their way to her home
Once kath saw him she hugged him so hard with little tears "where have you gone..I missed you..I thought that you left me" said kath to him but she looked confused when she saw the guard standing beside aegon.."kath we need to talk " said aegon while trying to be strong and cold

"Of course baby" said kath while touching her husband's cheeks "we must break up..we can't be together..the realm and my family would not accept a common woman.." said aegon with a cold shaking voice..he refused to look at her eyes

Kath was shocked and held her big belly with pain.." are you saying must be joking.." said kath .."no I'm not..I will be the king and the only wife I have is healena.. princess and lady  healena " said aegon

Kath dropped her hands from his cheeks and looked at him with tears" I knew it..I knew you would say these words one day..but I refused to believe it..what about your words..your promises...what about our baby..of course you will deny him..or her.." said kath with tears and pain

Aegon's heart ripped over and looked at the floor "I never loved were just...A.. wonderful Mistake.." said aegon

Kath looked at him..a wonderful mistake..all those days were a mistake..she held his gaze roughly and hardly with angry eyes and tears
"If you leave now and walk out of this will never see me again or your child..and I'm serious " said kath with an angry tone.. while looking at his eyes..aegon looked at her with silence" I don't wish to see you family is so dear to me"said aegon

Kath softened her hand on his gaze with more tears fallen on her cheeks" dearer than me and your child" said kath..with a broken sound..

"Yes.." said aegon while closing his eyes
"You are breaking my heart..and you swore that you would never leave me" said kath with a shaking voice..

Ser cristin was listening silently..he remembered when he fell in love with rahnerya and she left him..and broke him..he also felt sympathy for kath

Aegon didn't reply to her words..kath pushed him out of her home "Dont come again" said kath screaming at him and pushed the door against his face while crying and holding her belly

Aegon let out his tears and looked at cristin.. Cristin nodded at him.." I understand you..she deserved a better goodbye" said Cristin ..aegon nodded "I hope she would be fine.. without me..but one day we will meet again..and of course I will tell her the truth..she would believe me..right.." said aegon with tears and broken Voice

That night ended with a lot of pain and tears..the two hearts ripped..the two were in pain.. Cristin told alicent about everything that happened..

Alicent tried to comfort her son but aegon refused to met anyone

A Wonderful Mistake //Aegon Targeyran \\Where stories live. Discover now