chapter 9..The king

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They entered the carriage.. alicent, aegon and Kathrine..alicent started to yell at her son "mother..father got 23 years to name my heir but he didn't do it.." said aegon.. kath held his hands softly to comfort him

"But he whispered it to me " said alicent..aegon laughed while looking at the window "he could have but he never did.. because he didn't like me " said aegon with some tears and a broken smile..

Alicent opened a box.. inside it was a dagger..his father's dagger.."aegon Otto will try to control you..he wants to make a war ag_" said alicent but aegon said with tears "do you love me" said aegon... alicent looked at him.."you imbecile " said alicent

Kath looked at her...she is harsh..she hugged aegon softly..she knows aegon is so emotional
Aegon hugged her more..and laid his head on her shoulder ..kath kissed him gently" I love you" said kath with a smile to him .."I love you too" said aegon with a cute baby smile

Alicent looked at them rolling her eyes and they finally arrived..aegon held her hands and kath stood with alicent and ser cristin..she stood beside aemond..kath looked at healena..healena smiled at her kath smiled too

"Prince Aegon will be crowned as the king..a true heir to king visarys" said cristin

"Prince aegon married a woman from you people..he married Kathrine and he got a son from her..vegon Targaryen..." Said otto and the people cheer

"Aegon second of his name..king of the andels the first man..lord of the seven kingdoms and the protecter of the realm " said Otto with loud voice..while aegon walked between the guards..he looked at his mother how crowded him

Aegon finally felt love..he listened and watched the cheering of people to him..he took out his sword cheering with the people..Otto and alicent smiled proud of him

Kath looked softly at him how he is happy and felt loved ..but a sudden action happened..the people screaming.. princess rhenyes with her dragon.. destroyed the celebration and the dragon got near and near to aegon..kath and alicent made there short way to aegon..they was standing Infront of him.. protect him.. although alicent and kath scared of dragons but they will do anything to aegon

Aegon hugged kath tightly and kath held daggers in her eyes to rhenyes..her dragon started to near his face to them.. alicent closed her eyes and they stood strong against the dragon's groen..

Rhenyes flowed away then aegon checked on kath.."are you.ok" said aegon.."I'm fine..." She said hugging him.. aegon smiled at her then they went back to the castle

Aegon was rocking vegon softly with a smile..he looked exactly like his father when he was young

Kath finally got a room..she sat there and the maids started to take her size to make her dresses..she will be a princess..kath refused to be the queen..she said that healena deserves it

In the night aemond has gone to storm'send to ask them for their support..kath feed her baby with her breast..she refused to feed him with the maids breasts.. she rocked him gently than aegon entered

"Baby girl I missed you..why you didn't come to eat dinner" said aegon while looking at her ..she smiled and put her finger on her lips "shhh..he is sleeping" said kath whispering to him

Aegon smiled and made his way to them..he kissed his baby then kath put him in his small bed.." I must feed him first.." said kath while aegon held her waist and kissed her..

Kath laid her head on his chest..feel safe with him ..." I loved how you protect me at the crowd " said aegon.."I will do anything to you" said kath ..

Aegon started to kiss her neck and shoulders..he tried to take her dress but she giggled and stop him.."not now wait..I need to eat first" said kath but aegon pulled her while kissing her lips "I'm going to make you eat..but something different" said aegon to her with a smirk

"You are a cunt" said kath while kissing his neck and chin..they missed each other..they got their night then aegon hugged her and put the sheet over them.."I love you" said aegon to her "I adore you" said kath with a smile

The second day kath woke up lately..she wore her dress by help of a Maid..a green dress..then she walked at the castle..she went for aegon ..she saw aegon on the throne and alicent and aemond without his eye patch and wet

Kath looked at them "come sweet wife.. brother it's did the right " said aegon.."you don't understand that your stupid action will start a war " said alicent

"What happened" said kath "aemond killed lucyres" said aegon with a smirk ...kath shocked..he was just a child "why..why you did that he was just a .. child aemond and princess rahnerya will not be silent about this matter" said kath

Aemond didn't talk..he knew the consequences

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