chapter 19..I want them

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It has been two weeks now..aegon was working as a farmer and Kathrine work as a tailor..

They were living peacefully but Kathrine was worrying about healena and her babies..

Kathrine was sitting choosing the fabric..then a knock on the door was heard..kath opened the door and looked at him.."hello" said kath.."good Morrow..this is a letter from Dragonstone.." said the man..

Kath's nodded at him and took it..she opened the letter and read it..then her eyes wielded..she sat waiting for aegon..

Aegon came and looked at her.."hello love..oh you look confused.." said aegon while putting his tools.."a letter came from Dragonstone this morning..aegon they won't leave us alone.." said kath while giving him the letter..

Aegon took it and read it.. rahnerya wanted them to go back to Dragonstone..and help them .."I will not go aegon.. I'm happy here..and I will not let you go.." said kath..

"But kath..the conditions" said aegon.."fuck the conditions aegon.. it's not important..she took what she son..your dragon..your throne.." said kath..

"Kath it wasn't my was her throne.." said aegon..."although..we will not go.." said kath..

Aegon hugged her softly " just calm down..we will not go.." said aegon..kath relaxed then kissed him softly and kissed his cheeks.."I miss you so much" said kath..

"Me too love..but our bay is a little problem " said aegon with a giggle..kath smiled and kissed him More..


After a few days rahnerya knew that aegon received the letter..she waited for him.."he won't come.." said Daemon.."why you are saying that.." said rahnerya..

"Because aegon have a good woman..with a smart mind..she won't let him come and he will face dangerous.." said daemon..

"This bitch.." said rahnerya.."you took her son.." said daemon.."because they took my son.." said rahnerya with loud voice..

"Calm down queen..just let them go they bent and he gave you his dragon...what you want now.." saod Daemon..

"I want to use them..they know everything about the greens..and maybe aegon is a weakness point for alicent.." said rahnerya..

"I won't let any one of them live " said rahnerya with cruel voice..

"Don't worry.." said daemon..


Kath was making the food and watching the night from the window..aegon came and hugged her softly.."what is my little princess thinking about." Said aegon

"I feel bad.." said kath.."you overthinking too much " said aegon.."no I'm not..I'm just..I'm overthinking " said kath while let a sigh..

Aegon carried her and put her on the counter..he started to kiss her deeply..they kissed for a minute then he lay his forehead on hers..

"Everything is going to be fine..don't worry.." said aegon with his soft voice..kath smiled softly then they went to eat..

A Wonderful Mistake //Aegon Targeyran \\Where stories live. Discover now