•Troubling Relations•

641 40 11

Within five minutes, the teacher left. They seemed uncomfortable with the unerving presence of the unmoving figure by the door. They brushed against Y/N as they reached for the door and practically realed back before hastily leaving.
"Am I so terrifying to them?..."
Without the teacher in the room Y/N was free to stretch out their muscles. They've gotten used to not moving for semi-long periods of time but it didn't change how good it felt to let their act fall. They bent backwards, hand on their hips, cracking their back. Leaning back an unnatural amount, they eyes caught on a window on the other side of the room. It bathed the room in pale yellow where the long spindely branches of a tree outside blocked the sun. It arms were largely bare as it away slightly in wind, twigs like lobg fingers stretching across the floor. Correcting their posture, Y/N stood up straight and spun on their heel to properly face the window. In a few short strides they reached the glass, the afternoon sun attacked their pale eyes as they squinted through the light.

Infront of Y/N was a one story drop into a larger open field at the back of the school. A large amount of classrooms farther back in tbe school went largely unused until now which provided the students today a orientation room while the other students had their own introduction to the new year. A small dirt path lead away from a door Y/N couldn't see and trailed off into the dense woods. Carefully placed flowers lined either side of the path, accompanied by dozens of types of different wild flowers. It was all very picturesque, as if the window was simply the frame for a masterful painting. That was of course disturbed when Y/N noticed a group of people begging down the path. At the head, a head of familiar light blue head repeatedly glanced over his shoulder while gesturing widely to his surroundings. Behind him were... Perhaps 30 different students? At the back of the crowd stood two people, slightly separated from the rest. A ravenet and a brunette, the observing undead knew exactly who they were. The main character or 'Mai' as she said earlier was standing extraordinarily close to Andori as he gave his own two cents on what was going on around them. He held that same cool smile you remember him sporting from the game, thinking back on it, Y/N realised this was one of the only recent times where they'd seen him smile like that. It was odd. At this point with the time Y/N had spent with the boy, they had seemed to be slowly seperating the person they knew, from himself from the game. Behind their mask, Y/N's lip drew into a small frown, nervous about how it could affect them trying to get home. They were able to quickly able to dash those thoughts as they were distracted from a sudden movement from the forest.

Something large had bushed through the underbrush and began charging up the path. It moved so quickly, Y/N had a hard time figuring out what it was, it seemed that those in its path had a hard time even reacting to its presence before it got too close. Acting fast, Y/N clumsily opened the latch to the window and pushed it open. It swung open to the outside, and Y/N stepped up onto the window frame. One hand on the now swinging window peign, and one hand on the window frame, they found the best path down to be the tree.
Unfortunatly, as they attempted to make the jump, they under shot how far the closes sturdy looking branch would be, and ended up landing on a much less fortified branch. It crack under their weight, and with no time to climb down properly, Y/N jumped from the branch to the ground, hitting the soft turf in a roll like they had seen in action media. They most have done it at least kinda correctly as nothing seemed to break or sprain. It was impressive, really.

Y/N ran across the field, trampling out flowers as they went, and managed to get to the soon to be students alarmingly fast. Pushing through their bodies, Y/N now got a clear view of what was running towards them. From this much closer view point, they could see it was a large grey wolf. Red streaky patterns ran across its cheeks like dripping blood, and a similar red could be found in its pupil-less glowing eyes. Its mouth hung open, and it's sharp teeth glimmared beautifully in the sun. As it veered ever closer, Y/N did the first thing they thought of. Putting down hands out infront of them, they caught both the top and bottom parts of the canine's mouth as it finally reached the group. The teeth dug into Y/N's flesh and ripped through their black gloves, but the wolf was halted in its tracks. Using the opportunity, they pulled the beast towards them and suddenly turned on their heel, spinning the wolf as well. Letting go after one full spin, Y/N launched the creature a surprising distance away. It was knocked onto its side, but attempted to stand up quickly, however, looking back at its attacker looming in the distance erased any idea of trying to continue fighting. It limped away into the woods.

A collective sigh of relief fell over the crowd, much like how the girl behind Y/N fell to the floor. Her light orange hair obscured her face as she laid on the dirt path. Other students flocked to her but were quickly shooed away by Tiye. 
"I'll admit... Perhaps I should have bent school rules slightly to allow the company of.." Tyie started, glancing back at the undead hovering over the two, "Y/N? Was it? They do seem to have their use." Andori huffed in what could be pride or annoyance, Y/N couldn't be made to care, they were more interested in the girl sprawled on the floor. She was familiar for some reason, Y/N just couldn't place from where in the game they recognised her.
"Their use?!" A girl said indignantly. "That zombie saved lady Palon, without it, she would have died!" She continued.
"It's possible we all would have died." Interjetted a boy with cropped blonde hair. The girl turn to face him.
"Well she was have died first!" She yelled. As Tyie attempted to handle both the unresponsive girl, as well as the situation between the other two students, Y/N realised where she recognised the girl.
With her sunrise like hair now pushed out of her face, Y/N could now see clearly who it was. Maria Palon. Some future Duchess, and a girl that the MC would have to battle against for the affection of the very same boy who was attempting to care for her now.

'How romantic.' Y/N somewhat sarcastically thought. Now, don't get them wrong, they had nothing against romance... They were playing an otome game afterall, it's just that in the game she was one of the most annoying segments to deal with! Y/N didn't even particularly like Tyie all that much, but with all the fan fare about how his route should have been so much longer, they just had to see what all the fuss was about. It should, Infact, have been longer, but only because it wasn't very well fleshed out. Brushing all that aside, the girl was awake now. The girl who had been arguing about her near death rushed to her side twittering like a bird. Both she and Tyie helped Maria up off the floor.

"What...happened?..." She said quietly, looking around.
"Well, Andori's body guard happened to swoop in just before the wolf could get to you, or any of the rest of us." Tyie paitently explained. Maria nodded slowly, before realizing how close the boy was. She snatched the arm he was holding onto to pull her up away and held it to her chest shyly. Looking for a way to distract herself, she looked to Y/N.

"It's interesting to see an undead up close. I've only heard of them until now." She said wonderously, taking a step forward which the girl clinging to her side strongly protested against.
"Calm now Iris, it protected us without order, what reason would there be for it to attack us now?" She reasoned. Maria then slowly turned to look at Andori. "Does it do that often? Act without you needing to order it?" She asked. Andori cleared his throat, quickly thinking of a convincing lie.
"Not exactly, I had ordered Y/N before we had even arrived at this school to protect any students who would need it." He 'explained' calmly, nodding to Y/N as he spoke. Small sounds of observation spilt out of the mouths of several students.
"That doesn't like a very ordinary skill for a reanimated creature like that to possese! It would need some sort of thought process in order to devise a situation like that... And to see what was happening from so far away, how exactly does that work?" A short boy nearby Andori asked with a haughty tone.
"To put it simply... Y/N isn't much of an ordinary creature." Andori laughed. "I should truly wait to explain, we still have a tour ahead of us don't we?" He held a cool smile, just beneath if you looked hard enough, you could find a cocky grin of victory.
'Creating intrigue, huh? Guess he must've acted similarly in the game in the time before the MC's arrival.' Y/N mentally remarked, chalking up Andori's popularity with clever social tricks, plus his good grades.

"Yes, right. We do." Tyie curtly agreed with his new found petty rival. "I believe we've seen everything we need out here, let's return to the school before anything else happens." He attempted to make light of the situation, but Iris sent him a dirty look, and many students warily looked towards the forest. Tyie made his way to the end of the line and vegan walking back to the large stoney building.
Andori gestured for Y/N to follow along besides him, and off they went on what would be a boring tour of a mostly unused school. How exciting!

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