•Hide and Seek• {Pt.2}

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That and a thick tension was all that hung between the two as they walked. Y/N walked slower than usual, Serak now in the lead. Their grip on the practice sword was iron tight, drying blood having been squeezed and spread further into the white fabric of the gloves from the pressure.
"Oh. I recognise this log, I come through here when I hunt. I think I know where we are." While his voice was still strained, Serak had clearly found a renewed vigor.
"I have an idea where Mai might be." He glanced back at Y/N, seeing their weak nodd of recognitian. Taking up a quicker pace, the prince forced Y/N to keep up or be left behind.

Not long later did the two appear at yet another clearing, a large stream being its main feature. Across the water was a girl with her back facing the duo. Long brown hair tied into a ponytail. She stood with her arms stretched out infront of her. The flowy blue dress she wore shifted in a none-existant breeze. She looked down upon something infront of her but suddenly turned to look at the two. Her brows were scrunched in a worried expression.
"Serak!" Mai called, turning her full body to them. She gathered up her skirt and jumped over the river, running over to meet them. "I'm so glad you're here!... I didn't know how much longer I could last..." She stumbled within the last few steps and practically fell into the now worried Prince's arms.
"What are you talking about?" He urged, tilting her chin up to look at him.
"Probably her." Y/N said noncomitantly after Mai had stayed silent for a beat too long. They gestured to the other side of the stream with the tip of their sword. There sat a familiar woman, who was begging to pull herself to her feet. Short purple hair obscured her face, her old curls broken up and frizzy. The long, lacey black dress she wore was ripped, but in much better condition than her cloak they lay tattered to the side. Red eyes flicked wildly between the three as she almost looked as if she was going to launch across the stream after Mai...but she didn't. She flicked her wrist, her shadow slowly growing and morphing into that of a large bird. It grew out of the ground, dark grew feathers and red accents. The bird caught the woman in its large claws and promptly flew off.

After a relieved sigh, and some prodding from Serak, Mai explained the situation. The 'shadow woman' as she called her, had attacked her after a giant wolf had tracked and pinned her down. There was some talk about beauty and what-not, and the shadow woman came closer to Mai, reaching out to touch her. In that moment a giant spark of light came from Mai which weakened the woman and caused the wolf to shape back into the woman's shadow.
Mai has newly discovered light magic now, hurray. Celebrations. You're special.
In true main character fashion, light magic is a form of magic which really only the "truly pure" can harness. Apparently light's actually really volitile and will act on nearly any negative thought or emotion someone has. Who knew?

"That's... Amazing. You're magic, I mean. I can't imagine how scared you must have been." The purple haired boy said gently after her tale was over. With a weak smile, Mai seemed to agree. She then turned to Y/N.
"I'm sorry... I was talking about myself all this time but we were never introduced, I'm Mai Adina. I thank you, since I'm sure you've helped his Highness a great deal." She extended a dainty hand. Grasping it, Y/N gave it a curt shake.
"Serak's been calling me Angel." They said.
"Angel?.." Mai repeated quieter, looking at Serak.
"Well.. I guess it's a little embarassing when it's not just us. Oh! I just remembered, Angel, you found something of Miss.Adina's, right?" He scratched the back of his neck before suddenly freezing and whipping his head to look at Y/N.
"Oh yeah," They responded, remembering, "I found your neckla..." They brought their hand up and grasped... Nothing.
"Ah I must have dropped it and not noticed when..." They trailed off. Serak winced, knowing exactly what they were talking about.
"What?" Mai asked innocently, eyeing Y/N's bloodied hands, and then looking up into where their eyes should be.
"Don't...don't worry about it. I'll just head back to find it, Serak, you said you knew the area? Can you get the two of you out?" Y/N shifted their attention while speaking, from Mai to Serak.
"Yes, but won't you come with us?"
"Nah.. still got the necklace to find, and a person too. I'm sure he's still around here somewhere." Y/N peered off into the woods, as if they would see this 'him' from there.
"But how will you give it back to Mai?"
"I'll find some other time."
"What if it's still not safe out there?"
"I'm sure the teacher got some knights to the school."
Fresh out of excuses, Serak hung his head in defeat.
"Well alright. It seems there's nothing I can say to get you to walk back with us. Goodbye then, I hope I see you again someday." He said, rather regally. "Soon." He added quietly.
"Let's go Mai, Angel will get you you're necklace back in no time, I'm sure. For now let's go somewhere safer." With one last glance over his shoulder, Serak led Mai away.

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