•Cure for a Broken Heart• {Pt.3}

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"You want me to dive back in there?" Y/N asked incredulously, peering over the side of the old boat into the swirling liquid below. Ms.Thana nodded. "Even after I basically almost drowned?" Ms.Thana nodded. "Even though it's like a bunch of reaper's souls?"
"Truly it's more a collection of energy."
Giving a hefty sigh Y/N looked at the ceiling of the cave.
"Even when we aren't really sure my heart is down there?"
"Its the best place to start looking." The older woman's assuring tone was only met with another, even more haggard sigh.


"I'm glad you've steeled yourself, now off you go." Ms.Thana said cheerily, nudging Y/N. Standing up, it took a few seconds for Y/N to find steady footing as the boat rocked beneath them. Shuffling over to the side, they gazed down at the water bitterly. Unsure of exactly the best way to get in, Y/N put one foot up on the side on the boat, wood creaking under their bare foot. The boat swayed to one side  with the unequal weight. Pushing a long breath out from behind gritted teeth, Y/N closed their eyes. After one long drag of new air, they pushed off from the foot still in the boat, and then the one on the side of the boat. With the feeling of the sudden shock going through the wood, Y/N felt a sense of guilt for doing something like that while Ms.Thana was still in the boat, but that feeling was washed away when they hit the water.

Nearly all feeling was washed away in the first seconds that the icy cold gripped Y/N. It was almost worst then when they first woke up. Opening their eyes, it luckily didn't take long to adjust to the light and water washing over their eyes. It stung, but they'd just have to suck it up. Y/N swam down deeper into the cavern, blurred eyes searching for anything remotely similar to what they were looking for. They didn't have the clearest idea of what it looked like, but the mother of reapers above in the boat seemed to believe they would recognise it. It took a while of swimming before they could even begin to see the floor of the cave. It expanded off to the sides far beyond where the walls above water began, and light bounced off the stone floor in odd patterns. Some parts where as bright as you could get down here, others, encloacked entirely in darkness. But one part in particular caught Y/N's eye. Everywhere else was misshapen and blurry lines of light, where in this point, it was like a small fallen star. A prick of pointed light before Y/N, a little bit forward to them on the floor. It took the time until Y/N's lungs burnt before they reached the floor.

They approached the light carefully, and as they got closer, Y/N was able to see why it was refracting the light in such a way. It was glass, or something akin to it. With the way light bounced around it, maybe it was more like crystal, but again perhaps it way a trick of the light. As Y/N moved forward, and cupped it in their hands, they felt a warmth seep through them from the parts of their palms in contact with the object.
A heart.
A heart made of crystal, or glass, or whatever else it could be, it didn't katter because above all, Y/N knew that this heart, was theirs.

Even while it was just in their hands, Y/N could feel a weight settle in their chest as if it was placing it self back where it belonged. After a few minutes of relishing the comforting feeling, Y/N felt a different feeling. That of their lungs screaming for air. Suddenly remembering the circumstances, Y/N kicked up off the floor, heart in hands. With the precious object held close to their chest Y/N swam up. It was an agonizingly slow rise up, whether that be from not using their arms to swim, or just the demand for air making things seem so much farther away. It was an eternity until Y/N felt cold air sting their lungs once more. Their hands held tight onto to their heart, hard enough they could've broken it. 

 "Welcome back lovely." Ms.Thana cooed, peering over the side of the boat. Ignoring the kind words, Y/N sputtered out "I found it." They let one hand leave the hold on the heart to grab onto the side of the boat. Raising the heart up, they presented it victoriously to the mother of reapers. 

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