•Hide an Seek• {Pt.3}

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Somehow unburdanded by their actions, Y/N was able to move efficiently through the forest once again. Call it instinct, intuition, destiny, whatever you want, a battle wasn't to far ahead. One which Y/N knew to invole Polis.
The only shocking part about the battle, they found as they located the combatants, was that there was three.
Polis, a knight, a mage. 1v2, or 1v1+backup.
"Not a very fair fight, is this?" Y/N called as they intercepted a magical attack from the mage, a shadowy figure of the knight acting as a copy. Blocking their attack, then slicing through the figure, the smoky knight disappeared. Brief sounds of shock could be heard before everyone returned to the fight.

While Y/N probably should have been a bit more present in the moment, their mind kept drifting back to Vira. Not only why Y/N felt little to no emotion concerning what they had done, but also why Vira was so determined to strike them down. The fire that burned in her eyes worried Y/N, now that it was done and over with. Only realising the battle was over when they saw Polis just standing infront of them. He looked amazed at their talent, the stick he was using to rather impressively fight off both assailants fell to the ground.

"You're incredible." The boy said. He looked as if there was more he wished to say, but didn't know how to put it into words.
"You're not too bad either." Y/N responded, looking over the beaten down duo. They were badly blugeoned, not giving any real indications on which attacks came from Polis and which came from Y/N. Maybe for the best given their current mental state.
"Thanks..." He looked awkwardly down to Y/N's feet, but in doing so surveyed their outfit. It sparked a memory. "Hey, you're the person who stole the training equipment that night, aren't you?" Polis looked back up at Y/N. Cringing a little at the accusation, they shrugged.

People borrow that stuff all the time."
"I doubt you'll be able to return it in that state."
"Then why don't you pay for some new ones?"
"Why should I pay? You're the one who took them."
"And you didn't stop me, plus you're a prince... Speaking of, as a prince people are going to start getting worried when only one returns. We better getting moving." Y/N abruptly ended the banter, recalling Serak and Mai were likely rejoining the other students.

"Oh... You mean my brother?" Polis questioned, expression and overall mood darkening.
"Yep." Y/N began to walk, picking a direction that felt 'right'.
"So have you met him as well?" The boy asked, catching up and soon walking pace for pace with them.
"I have, yes, why?" Y/N looked at him with an arched brow, though Polis couldn't see it.
"...What do you think of him?" Polis didn't look at his companion when he spoke, opting to keep his gaze straight out infront of him.
"He's fine. Goodhearted, pretty clever when he wants to be." Y/N recalled the predetermined interactions in the game, and how they seemed to shift once they had met him themself. "I didn't speak to him much when we met though, so I'm not a very good source." They added, which was only partly a lie. Characters here seemed a little different from how they remembered. Andori's newfound calmer personality, Polis' more firey jealousy--if the way Y/N interpreted his glare from ealier could be relied upon--, and Mai's less annoying behavior, to name the most obvious. It made sense, given the characters had much more room to grow and speak how they wished, but it was... Weird.

After a while Y/N realised that Polis had gone quiet.
"You alright?"
"Perfectly. Can I ask another question?" He placed both hands behind his back.
"Go for it."
"Where did you learn to fight like that? You did all that with just a practice sword... It was... Incredible." Polis looked at Y/N once more, and when they met his gaze, they saw shining admiration. His expression faltered for a moment as a look of sudden apprehension crossed his face.
"Is something wrong?" Y/N asked, turning to look to what he saw. They were met with only dark forest, leaves giving a flickering look from the sunlight breaking through the canopy. Polis looked confused as Y/N turned back to him.
"No, no... I just- thought I saw something moving. I'm sure I'm just tired." He rubbed the forming crinkle between his dark brows, turning to look at the ground. If it was anything plot relevant, Mai could deal with it, so Y/N just accepted his response. Unseen by the floor staring Polis, a small trail wound up ahead of them.

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