Entry 12

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" Turn off the lights."

Dazai was ceased from nonchalantly unbottoning Chuuya's last upper garment as Chuuya suddenly said something so unusual, he looked up and scrutinized, tried to read Chuuya's countenance.

Void. Dazai saw nothing but an empty expression. It felt fascinating when he can't read Chuuya's face. Eyes hollowed as a bottomless pit with lips pursed lost for words, Dazai realized the gap between them now, he barely recall the four years of togetherness but as he looked at the void expression of Chuuya now, he felt a throbbing feeling and it annoyed him the most, indeed Chuuya is the only one who can give him this indifferent feeling, triggering his inner self with mixed emotions to no end...

Chuuya likely shrunk to the wall behind him, slowly but his knotted by bandage hands clamped to his barely exposed chest, his face was turned to the side like a lifeless but dazzling doll. Until then as Dazai properly saw Chuuya's trembling lips and he was drawn to remedy those from his own, gently and he beckoned himself and kissed Chuuya, this time softly and more passionately like taking care of a precious gem...

Dazai clamped both of Chuuya's cheeks,

" Chuuya... "
Softly, Dazai called out and Chuuya with a resolve face replied ,

" If you're screwing me again...sure, I won't try to struggle--- just turn off the lights so I won't see your shitty face."

For a second, Dazai froze from Chuuya's words. Again, the Kaleidoscope emotions swirled to him like surging waves, he doesn't know if he was angry, glad or hurt but the throbbing feeling was concrete reigning over anything within him.
Dazai helplessly drooped his head to Chuuya's bare shoulder, calming himself then stood and reached for the light switch then turned it off as what Chuuya had demanded.

The surrounding was dimmed.

" Er.. the l-lampshade... "
Chuuya awkwardly uttered and he received a kiss from the forehead.

" Your request was over, Chuuya..."
Dazai with a hint of mischief expressed making Chuuya murmur his curses.

" Atleast faintly but let me see your face..."
Dazai inwardly thought.

The scar from his lower abdomen was what matters to Chuuya at the moment. And he was beyond glad Dazai didn't suspected something suspicious as he demanded to turn the lights off, Chuuya had to make that happen or else it'll gave Dazai another proof, another hint that would lead him to know Kireisake's existence. At any cost, Chuuya mustn't let his scar be seen by Dazai.
He knew Dazai as well as Dazai knew him back, Dazai is a puzzle solver. He can easily connect everything and in no longer time find the truth and so Chuuya as long as possible cannot let things slip.

A sudden gasp. Followed by an uncontrollable moan resonated from Chuuya as he felt fingers sliding gently, teasing the protruding buds on his chest. He wanted not to close his eyes to watched Dazai under the faint light, if he would notice something once he fully took off his clothes but the electrifying sensation is hindering his vigilance, Chuuya was way beyond vexed and almost succumbing on the insanity of pleasure.

Leaning down, Dazai nibbled on Chuuya's chest up to his neck and gave it a sudden bite which Chuuya hadn't had the chance to repressed his moans. Dazai still remembers all of Chuuya's spots, he can easily titillate Chuuya to the fullest but he chose to slowed things as he refused to notice nor touch the bulging and twitching thing below which was hitting on his own for awhile already. Chuuya was obviously aroused and hard down there and he'd want to touch his own if not for his binded hands.
And Dazai only minded on savoring Chuuya's mouth as his hands were snaking all over his body but purposely taking a pass through that spot where Chuuya was silently aching for Dazai to touch.

Ragged and hot breathing, Chuuya can't repressed his arousal, his body was trembling already just from Dazai's kisses and teasing caresses. He's been cursing inwardly because he thought that he can withstand his desires but he was wrong------- he was utterly close to surrendering to Dazai.

Four years has passed. Chuuya was convinced that he had forgotten this feeling------- this contact of entanglement which all his life til now he only shared with Dazai...

Amused to the sight of the Chuuya who's obviously hanging on a thin thread of sanity and defiance. Dazai himself was trying his hardest to hold back as well, he wants to torment Chuuya although inwardly, he's hanging barely too---------he's just only a little good at acting.

They both, undeniably wanted each other. Chuuya discerned Dazai's grinning face from the faint light while Dazai was riled up looking at Chuuya's scornful face.

" Piece of cake. "
Dazai tauntingly remarked.

" Asshole! I'm really breaking your neck after---"
Chuuya growled but Dazai suddenly grabbed his twitching length underneath his pants, kneading it roughly. Dazai leaned and whispered seductively to Chuuya's ears,

" I wonder... but you're too sensitive.. has someone touch you before aside from me.. ? "

Chuuya was aghast and agitated from Dazai's question.
He wanted to scream to Dazai's face that he's the only one he would allow to do this things to him because it is him---solely him.

" I'm like this because it's you, asshole! The one I stupidly been inlove ever since we're only fifteen! Damn you, Dazai!! Damn you..."
But rather spatting those personal feelings of him, Chuuya chose not to and so, even though he's still weakened and swore to Dazai that he would never struggle but those words fueled rage to him which is why Chuuya suddenly thrashed again and the knot on his wrist were loosening.

" H-hey----- Chuuya you said you'd never get away! "
Dazai tried to take hold of Chuuya again.

" Damn you Dazai!! If you're gonna fck me, do it immediately! Y-you're wasting my time! I need to go! "
Chuuya blunted never realizing that those words likely gave a switch to Dazai.

Be it annoyance or not but Dazai was reminded again of that someone who he thinks is beyond closer to Chuuya currently------closer to Chuuya's heart indeed. Dazai hated to admit but he realized that it is jealousy that's been creeping out on him ever since he suspected Chuuya's living with someone else.

Without further ado and he pulled violently the struggling little beast and locked him underneath him. Dazai roughly pull off Chuuya's lower garments and was about to prepare him with his fingers when Chuuya with ragged breathing but sternly uttered,

" Fck me f-from ..the b-back."
Chuuya swallowed his pride and savor his own humiliation from saying those words, he knew as well that the him displaying assertiveness may trigger Dazai's sadistical tendencies but Chuuya has to. No matter what, he needs to hide what's on his lower abdomen, it may cause him more strain to be done with his requested position but he cares less if it'll give Dazai no suspicion.

" Chuuya... I know you know me very well... "
Dazai sighed as he reached out a lube then splattered it with his fingers.

" You know that I like it the most when you're acting daring, Chuuya..."

Murmuring his curses. Even from the faint light but Chuuya clearly saw Dazai's piercing eyes likely cannot wait to devour a cornered prey...


Entry 12 End.

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