Chapter 6

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1 week later:

For the past week i tried to talk to Katakuri-sama but nothing. He would ignore me or give me very short answers.
Right now i was searching for something to wear till i heard someone screaming behind me. ,,Ouch!'' the person yelled. I immediately turned around. It was a woman, a sister of Katakuri. But what is she doing here? ,,Ehm hello?'' i asked and moved near. She jumped up and i recognized her. She has a long red nose, purple hair and a scar across her face. ,,Hello, i am Brûlée!'' she spoke out. I looked at her confused and it looked like she saw this and immediately answered ,,I just want to say hello a little talk about my big brother Katakuri.'' Ah now it makes sence why she is here. She sat on my bed and started to talk again. ,,Sooo how is it going?'' I looked at her and sat besides her. ,,Not so good. He didn't talk to me at all. And besides i barely saw him this past week.'' She just looked at me, no words came out her mouth but then she spoke in a tone that was calm and friendly. ,,Yes it sound like my brother but he isn't like this to family. He just doesn't show his emotions to people he doesn't know.'' Wow Brûlée, i like her. I think we could become close friends. She doesn't seem like a bad person. ,,But i am his wife after all. He could be a little nicer.''

,,I know, i know y/n. You seem like a good person with a big heart.'' That could be my first friend on this Island. ,,Brûlée what can i do to make it work? Tell me something about him!'' she looked at me in shock but it quickly went to a smile  with happiness. ,,Do you really want to know him?'' What question is it? Of course i want, after all i don't want to live here sad. ,,Yes really. I don't why but something tells me i should get to know him better.'' Her smile was still there even brighter than before.

,,Alright! Listen! Katakuri loves sweets expecily donuts. He is very kind and he protects his younger siblings at any cost. If you know him better you will see that he is a really nice guy, trust me.'' A nice guy? How brûlée described him he wasn't anything like that when i first spoke to him. Maybe i should really know him better. ,,Ah i see is there anything else?'' ,,Hmm, let me think.'' I wonder if he will treat me like his real wife someday. ,,OMG, HOW COULD I FORGET!'' I jumped a little at her sudden scream. ,,There is one thing you must always keep in mind! Katakuri has a special time were he eats. He will never eat with you. He doesn't even eat with his own family.'' What? Not even with his family? Wow and i thought it would be easier. ,,He has his own shrine, where he is for some hours.'' ,,So that means nobody is allowed to interrupt him?'' Brûlée just nod.

,,I hope i could help you in someway. If you need something just ask me.'' She isn't serious right? She didn't just help me, she saved me! She just wanted to go through the mirror but i could stop her. ,,Wait!'' Brûlée turned around and looked at me. ,,I wanted to thank you for everything. Without you I still wouldn't know anything about Katakuri. You're the first person to talk to me and right now i don't feel like i'm alone, thank you. I want to know you better brûlée and maybe we can even be friends.'' Her eyes went bright with happiness and with her armes apart she ran towards me and hugged me tightly. ,,I really, really like you and i see you as a sister! I would love to hang out with you.'' She said still hugging me.

After some minuts she let go of me. Again she wanted to go through the mirror but a question came in my mind. ,,What is under Katakuris-sama scurf?'' she stopped. ,,That is something really private and i don't have the right to tell you. If someone than big brother Katakuri. You should know he had a hard childhood.... so ask him.'' and with that she disappeared through the mirror.
I will ask him tomorrow about the scarf.

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