Chapter 22

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„And~ What happened then?!" she screamed in a happy voice. The female jumped up and down in the room. „So from now on, we will meet here..." said a male voice. His figure already laying on the bed of me and Katakuri. „Oh my! I can't believe it! Big brother Katakuri is in love!!" she hugged me tight, her arms around me. „Let the poor Y/n go Brûlée." „Ah Cracker, you never let Katakuri be happy. Just because he got a pretty wife and you didn't!" she showed him the tongue.

I walked to my closet as the two continued to argument. „Why don't we go out?" i turned around holding a red dress in my hands, driving their attention to me. „A nice restaurant. What do you say?" They both looked at each other and then nicked. „But you have to tell us everything!" „I'm with Brûlée. I really want to know, how his life is with you, to see if he deserves you."

This takes place a week after the secret with the scarf of my husband and today he is again on a mission but only for today and tomorrow. Katakuri should be home tomorrow by 10pm.


„So you didn't fuck?" her voice sounded disappointed and her smile fade. „No...we are doing things slow....i think." I played with a fork between my fingers. „The real question is...if you are ready for it, y/n." Cracker gave me a serious look. „I mean to say if you feel uncomfortable to fuck him." he made himself more clearer. The commander put some food in his mouth waiting for me to answer. „I think Y/n should give him signs!" „But how?" i took another seep from my wine and i could feel the alcohol kicking in. „Tease him, wear something that shows skin or even tell him that you want to fuck." The last few words she screamed out that even some people looked at us, giving some disgust looks. „Brûlée not so loud!" i whispered, kicking her leg under the table. She only chuckled.

„I-i don't know if he wants to do it...with me..." i lowered my head, putting some food in my mouth. For some minutes it was quite and i knew something is off, so i looked back up, only to see them both looking at each other and then back at me and that for a while. „Are you dump?!" Brûlée reached out to me above the table to shake me. „You really need to see Katakuri's looks on you. How his eyes follow only you...if you move talk or do anything." As she was saying that, cracker brought brûlée back to her sit. My eyes are wide open and the only thing i could think of are dirty thoughs!

*"Y/n" he whispered in my ear as he put his hands besides my head, leaning in close. His kisses and his-*
AHH!! STOP THAT DIRTY THOUGHS OF YOURS! I tried to calm myself down but i knew that my face is already a tomato. Katakuri really looking at me with lust and does he have fantasies about me...?

„Are you thinking about how he would fuck you?" My head immediately went up. I didn't even notice that i summet out and not paying attention to them anymore. „Oh~~i think she did that! Look at her red face..!"  „Ah! Shut up! Both of you...." i put my hands over my face and the only think i heard is there chuckle.

After the restaurant we decided to go to a small club... and as i walked in some flashbacks came. Alright, today i won't drink much or i will end up like last time...but we now share the room. And besides i don't know what happened that night! No...i forgot to ask Katakuri, if we did something. What if we he would say that, right?

I was deep in thoughts that i didn't look were i went, when suddenly i bumped into someone, someone big. ,,Ah, i'm terrible sorry!'' i looked up as i said that and to my surprise it isn't some stranger, no, its the complete opposite. He looked down at me with a raised eyebrow. ,,You?'' My mouth dropped to the ground as i looked shocked at him. He looked me up and down with a surprised face and i could see a glimmer in his eyes. The person infront of me...his name is Daifugu, katakuri's brother.

He doesn't seem like Katakuri at all. They look comletely different, shouldn't be triples be alike? I stand up straight again with my red dress, making my curves show more. As we looked at each other i knew that Cracker and brûlée are already somewhere else. ,,I'm sorry aga-'' i tried to apologize but he cut me off. ,,The dress looks pretty good on you.'' Daifugu didn't stop to look me up and down but eventully stopped his eyes at my tits. I got uncomfortable, right, Cracker told me he was the first choice to marry me but Mama changed her opinion. ,,Thanks...i guess''

,,What are you doing here? In a club?'' His eyes remind on my tits. ,,No...why are you here Daifugu?'' He watched me but then he gave me a smirk. ,,I'm here to fuck some women. And what about you dear~?'' Wow that is a honest honest to be exact, now i am feeling more uncomfortable. ,,J-just kill some time...'' ,,I see. What about spending time with me~?''

,,I'm here with brûlée so bye!'' i quickly went past him, only to feel a hand on my ass and a little pain across my body but i didn't dare to look back.

I sat down on a chair. What the hell...are here only rapers?!
Where are brûlée and is it that i always go missing?! I sighed heavily until i felt some strong hand on my shoulder. I immediately threw it away from me and the person came infront of me with a huge smirk on his lips. ,,I see that you are still alone.'' ,,And i see that you are still following me.'' i lifted my head only to meet his face, some centimeters away from me. Daifugu's hot breath against my cold skin. He moved his hand on my knee, making circles with his fingers. ,,I prefer no touching.'' i hissed at him but he ignored my warning. ,,Such pretty lady and a body of a godness.'' Daifugu whispered in my ear. ,,I'm already married, to your brother.'' But he ignored me...again, his hand went to my thigh, rubbing it slithly. ,,And? Do you think it will stop me to fuck you~?'' I froze at his words. His tongue going across my neck, licking and biting. ,,H-hey!'' i pushed him off me.

,,What the hell?!'' i glared at him. ,,Don't give me that look, it just turns me more on.'' He sat back in his seat, spreading his legs a little so i definitly see his erect member. I just turned around and walked away, not saying anything. I can't believe it..!? How disgusting! As i walked away, i remembered what cacker said. I am so thankful that Mama made me marry Katakuri. He is so sweet, giving me space, not touching me in a uncomfortable way, not like his brother!

I touched my neck where his disgusting lips were. ,,Ah..I want to go home...'' i whispered.

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