Billionaire's Toy

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You awoke to the sound of someone snapping their fingers. "Hey, hey... Wake up. We're here." A man's voice said, too close to your ear for comfort.

And with that final snap of his fingers, you snapped back to reality. You weren't in the comfort of your own bed in your lavish studio apartment. You were in the back of a limousine, at the beck and call of a client.

Still reeling from your sudden reentry to consciousness, you turned to look at him. Do-Yun, nephew to the founder of the Jeong Group.

The Jeong Industrial Corporation was smaller than the QT Corporation, but not by much, considering how big conglomerates could get. It specialized in auto parts, oil exploration, and industrial gas.

Do-Yun was working his way up the corporate ladder, even though you knew nepotism was playing a big part in his climb. His favorite part of the job was finances, so he made it his ultimate goal to become the company's CFO.

He was traditionally handsome, a result of plastic surgery rather than good genetics. When he first started seeing you, he was a small fish in a big pond, with a strong constitution but a weak chin. But, oooh, look at him now!

"You must be tired," he noted with a stern frown. "You'll wake up once we get inside. How are you sleepy in a limo? You've never been in one of these things before, have you?"

"I didn't get a lot of sleep last night," you said, trying your best to keep the whine out of your tone. No one liked a grump.

Ha-Joon had booked an all-night session at the very last minute. The two of you were still exploring her sexuality, going through toys and kinks, noting what she liked and disliked, like you were running some sort of sex blog.

Even if the sex was completely vanilla, she still needed a fair bit of aftercare. After every round, she needed to be cuddled and praised. It was good money but mentally exhausting.

That was last night, though. Now you needed to focus on your current client. "Do I look okay?" You asked Do-Yun. Did you snore? God, did you drool?

"Relax. You look beautiful," he said, giving you a slow once-over from head to toe, eyes catching on your bust and hips. "Listen to me. Somebody will open the door for you, and you just walk in with me. Whatever you do, don't embarrass me. Remember what I told you... Smile. Be polite, elegant, ladylike. Okay? Right. Let's go."

Uh, yeah, this wasn't your first rodeo. Or, rather, your first upscale gala. But, to your credit, you didn't roll your eyes or scowl. Instead, you gave him your most polite smile and nodded along.

You followed all of Do-Yun's rules to a T. When meeting someone new, you were as sweet as possible. When you couldn't contribute to the topics being discussed, you kept your mouth shut and nodded along.

So far so good. Until you were introduced to someone you knew before.

"Mr Choi! It's wonderful to see you here, sir. I didn't know you would be attending the gala tonight. And with your lovely daughter, no less!"

And there stood Ha-Joon in a white charmeuse tea dress, looking like a little flower girl at a wedding.

You'd met clients outside of work before. There was a certain... Decorum to be followed, where they acted like they didn't recognize you and it never happened. This usually went without saying.

Right away, you knew Ha-Joon wouldn't be following these rules of etiquette.

Maybe she never thought she'd see you outside of your appointments. Maybe she just wasn't good at pretending. Either way, she blanched as soon as she saw you, turned as pale as her dress.

"Let me introduce you to my date for this evening, Miss L/N," Do-Yun said, gesturing to you with his free hand. His other one was cinched around your waist.

"Oh, please, you can just call me Y/N," you added demurely. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

As quickly as the color had drained from her face, it returned. Now her face was red and splotchy, though. Her mouth was pinched together and her eyes narrowed. Oh, she was big mad.

"We're already acquainted," Ha-Joon snapped.

Her father and Do-Yun seemed to simultaneously blink before turning their attention to you, who had previously just been set dressing.

Before either of the two men could ask where you had met, your hand darted out to grasp one of her elbows, digging your nails into her flesh as a warning... Don't you dare say another fucking word.

"That's right!" You chirped, like a little songbird. "It's been a while, though. Why don't we get reacquainted on our way to the ladies' room? I'm sure you two gentlemen won't mind waiting while we freshen up."

You didn't wait for a reply, just wrapped an arm around her waist and all but dragged her away.

"What are you--" She started to say, before you quickly shushed her. She was silent the rest of the way to the bathroom, though it was obvious she was choking back tears.

You dropped your gentle facade once the two of you were alone. You pushed her into the ladies' room, so hard that she fell to the floor, just barely managed to catch herself on her palms before she face-planted.

You checked under the stalls for feet, before turning the lock on the main door. "What the fuck was that, Ha-Joon?!" You hissed at her from over your shoulder.

Ha-Joon scrambled to her feet, barely had her flats under her before she turned to glare at you, faster than a spitting cobra. "What are you doing here?! With him, of all people?!"

It would be a breach of confidence to answer directly. You needed plausible deniability. So, instead, you answered her questions with one of your own. "What does it look like?" She'd have to be stupid not to put two and two together.

That wasn't what she wanted to hear. No, that wasn't what she wanted to hear at all. "You can't--"

"Why not?"

"You're supposed to take care of me! You're my-- You're my-- You're mine!" She shrieked, stomping her foot like a toddler.

"I'm yours?" Your tone was low and dripping with danger. You were knee-jerk angry. This was your life, your business! How dare she-- "What, you think you own me now?"

Ha-Joon obviously wasn't reading the room correctly, because she tried to throw herself into your arms. When you refused to hold her the way she usually liked, she clawed at you, desperate.

"And you're lucky to be that!" She was screaming at the top of her lungs now. "You're ungrateful, unnecessary, expendable!"

What response was she looking for? Did she think that would make you fall in love with her on the spot? Or even cause your resolve to crumble, by even a miniscule amount? All her little tantrum did was brushed away any lingering sentiment you had for her like old cobwebs.

You let out a harsh huff of laughter, too amused to be a scoff before shoving her away. The harder she tried to cling to you, the more force you used in shaking her off.

"If that's the case, let's end things here. Think you can find another just like me? Then do it. It'll save me from having to put up with your bullshit anymore."

Ha-Joon seemed to realize her mistake, glare dissolving into a stricken expression, like she was watching a trainwreck in slow motion. She shook her head frantically like that would stop the collision, but of course it wouldn't. "No! I don't-- I don't want that! Pl-- Please, you-- you can't--"

"Sure I can," you chuckled callously. "I just did. Consider yourself blocked. Good-bye, Ha-Joon! Have a nice life. I'm sure it'll be so much better without me in it."

Having washed your hands of her mess, you confidently walked out of the bathroom, leaving her wailing on the floor like you had just torn her heart in two.

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