Kurapika x Insecure!Reader

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(I got ideas because of course my sister calls me fat as soon as i get confident in my body and i wish someone could love me like i write but of course the guy i was talking to turns out to be a creep i may or may not be projecting myself onto Y/n so sorry im advance)

(Highschool AU btw)

Y/n L/n where to start, sure she's beautiful just as any girl is and insecure as well. Covers up the insecurities with baggy clothes and never wears swimsuits or shows much of anything. As any day goes Y/n shows up to school wearing a grey sweater and baggy 90's boyfriend jeans that are a perfect shade of brown. She sits with her friends which no one seems to like but she'd feel bad ditching them even though they treat her horribly because she's got a different ethnic background and hair color, or just because she's autistic. (am i getting too specific) She knows she could be best person in the school if she just listened to her dad and just refused to make friends. She goes through her classes easily and is considered smart and untouchable in athletic and academic standards to her peers. She became a library aid along with a boy named Kurapika. They were both forced into setting up the book fair for the little kids so they'd be together all day. There was no air conditioning in the room but she was getting hot and all she had under her sweater was a tank top she had worn to bed. She just acted like nothing was wrong while she unpacked books from boxes.

"It's kinda hot in here for a sweater don't you think?" Kurapika suggested

"Yeah but all I have underneath is a tank top that I'm not confident in" Y/n sighed

"I won't judge you on your body Y/n if you do decide to take your sweater off" Kurapika shrugged and got back to unpacking

10 minutes passed and Y/n took off the stupid sweater leaving her in jeans and a black tank top.

"Finally had enough of the heat" Kurapika snickered

"Yeah" Y/n sighed

"In all honesty you look great it's probably weird for me to say that though" Kurapika said putting a stack of books on a table.

They finished but decided to skip their next class and claim they were working. They talked for a while and got each other's contact information. They talked about books and science and things they liked about athletics until the bell rang.

They walked out of the room not realizing Y/n left her sweater because they were too distracted with each other. They both went to their classes and got to their athletic period where the boys and girls had to be mixed due to the fitness gram and one of the coaches being absent. This gave them more time to talk to each other. They eventually had to go get the same gender partners for sit ups. Y/n did 54 (Thats what i did like two days ago) situps and 13 push ups. Kurapika did more without breaking much of a sweat but at least she tried. They finished up and the teachers gave them free time so Y/n went to go hang out with Kurapika and his friends and they all got acquainted. Y/n really liked these guys and they were all really nice to her. Even Killua was nice. Y/n stuck with the group for the rest of her high school life and she was happy about it. Graduation came for Kurapika and Y/n and they were both ready to start their lives as adults. They both went to college and decided to become roommates. Life was going well for them they both had stable jobs and an apartment and they even adopted a cat they named Loki. One night she had a dream that could be considered weird she and Kurapika got married and had kids in the dream. She woke up confused and with a cat on her lap. She may have liked Kurapika but they were just friends and who would want to ruin that. She also felt bad for him that a girl like her love a guy like him. Y/n decided to get up and she gently got the cat off her lap. It was the weekend which means Y/n does absolutely nothing and just hangs out with Kurapika. She flopped on the couch where Kurapika was watching the news and drinking some orange juice.

"Good morning Y/n" Kurapika greeted

"Morning" Y/n replied sitting up

"So any weird dreams you need to share"

Sometimes when Y/n had dreams at night she tells Kurapika every detail she can manage. (I always do this too my mom)

"Yes actually, I had a dream that we got married and we had kids and it was super weird" Y/n said awkwardly

"That's not such a weird dream" Kurapika said blankly

"Us getting married and having kids isn't weird to you at all?" Y/n questioned

"Well who else would a marry?" Kurapika asked

"Literally anybody else" Y/n told him

"So that diary entry you wrote like a month ago about liking me and wanting to marry me totally isn't a thing?" Kurapika laughed

"You read my diary?!" Y/n exclaimed



"I mean it's fine that you like me I like you too I have since high school" Kurapika shrugged

Y/n gave him a questioning look.

"Dude... I was literally the ugliest person in our grade" Y/n laughed

"You weren't and looks don't matter too much to me" Kurapika replied setting his cup down on the coffee table

(bored with this one ive been working on it but i cant think anymore)

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