CH13 - Return to Thorn

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With a sudden flash of light, Ainz, Amrita, Hara and Flora a found themselves standing in front of the Grand gates of thorn. Like the four women standing guard at the gates, Flora was utterly baffled by where she was, and then disoriented by the teleportation itself; almost falling over if she was not suddenly steadied by Amrita.

"Careful, you would not wish your cloak to slip off now of all times," Amrita said seriously.

"Y-yes. I just," Flora stopped for a moment to try to steady herself some more. "This is, Thorn? How?"

"Teleportation," Ainz said with a chuckle at flora disorientation. "It will pass. Amrita, would you please calm those women who look ready to sound the alarm?" Amrita said nothing but nodded as she let go of Flora and walked away from the group and toward the gate, seeming to take out some proof of her rank as she went. "Hara, Flora, are you both feeling alright? No issues?"

"Nope, I feel better than fine!" Hara aid with a smile. "Though I do admit it feels kind of odd now to wear pants."

"I. . . . . feel strange, and this is awkward, but I chose it. So I will cope," flora stated in turn.

"I see," Ainz said as he looked to see Amrita still speaking to the guards who now looked rather terrified. "Just be aware of your bodies. If your forms are seen, I doubt many will react positively at first. Especially towards you, Hara."

"I am aware," Hara said with a nod as she slightly lifted up her Naginata and cracked it down on the cobbles at her feet. "I have control now; my form will not change unless I will it."

"Good," Ainz nodded as he turned to Flora. "I am aware your form does not so much change as expand. Will you have any issue?"

"I told you that I feel strange," Flora almost snapped before sighing. "But I can cope. It is worse than when I was turned into an Elf, but I am much older now and such an amount of control is no different."

"Very well, then I shall not pry further," Ainz said as he saw Amrita approaching, and the gate being opened. "I take it there was no issue then?"

"No, however it appears our exit from Thorn was well seen and has spread throughout the city and into rumor," Amrita said as she looked at Ainz with a bit of a judgmental gaze.

"Hmm, I suppose leaving in such a fashion would attract attention. I had not realized at the time it was a rarity," Ainz said simply before taking a step forward. "No matter, let us head in and report our success."

"Very well, Lady Flora, I suggest you stand between Sir Gown and Hara, just in case," Amrita suggested as the group headed under the gate, being given dirty looks by a couple of the women, though they did not dare have such looks anywhere close to Amrita.

Entering Thorn it seemed as it was before, but with the addition of gazes. Ainz himself had attracted a number before due to his size and looks, but now it seemed everyone was looking at them. He could see guards, knights, citizens, and even some who looked less than savory all watching him as his group moved.

"It seems those mercenaries from when we left are keeping an eye upon us," Ainz spoke up.

"They likely are curious about our success and aim to make us join them to take the success for their own," Amrita said as she noticed them and scowled. "I do not like them."

"Why is that?" Flora asked as she noticed a couple mercenaries ahead of their group, simply standing in the roadway.

"You're about to hear why in a moment I would wager," Amrita said with a sigh. "Sir Gown, are you prepared for what they are likely to try?"

"Yes, I believe it should be of no issue to brush them aside if it comes to it," Ainz said with a nod. "Just make sure all of you do not allow them close to you while I speak."

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