CH3 - Taboo

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Ainz Ooal Gown sat at a small table in the guest room he was given to use and heaved a sigh. He wasn't sure how exactly he was sighing given his distinct lack of lungs or even a throat, but he was sighing nonetheless. His reason for sighing was surprisingly simple, yet extremely aggravating. The stack of books crowded the small table he was sitting at.

The lord Scholar of Ansur, Klaus Curtis, had handed him a partly few books when he had dismissed him stating they would be the best ones for him to read to learn of the culture of the Land he was currently in, Eostia.

What he read had been so absurd in many places and he had read through them so quickly, that he had promptly went back and raided the study for other books to read to confirm or deny his suspicions. Which is what ultimately, after the entire night of reading, led to him sighing so heavily in exasperation.

"This world is far to backwards," He finally muttered to himself as he leaned back in the chair, hearing it creak a bit from his weight before he stopped letting it fully support him.

The land of Eos, and the cultures within it, its history, society, and even its lore, did not make sense. It was filled with inconsistency between every volume he read and what inconsistency did not exist was heavily skewed in its opinion and focus.

Thinking over it again made it only worse. The history of Eostia was broken and nonsensical. It spoke of how the war with the Dark queen was a major even roughly two hundred and twenty seven years before, but the amount of information on the event was extremely limited. All any book stated was that the demons would normally attack every decade or so, but when the Dark Fortress rose the Dark Queen took control of them as an army and the war had been going on ever since. It was at this same point in time the history books talked of the Goddess reborn revealing herself to the High-elves and humans, leading to the formation of the seven shields alliance.

However, nothing was truly stated about what led up to either of these events. There was nothing written about events before these and it was clear information was being controlled or held back. If a proper historian read what he had they would have had an aneurism due to the lack of information. There was utterly nothing on the lands history before these events. Nothing to say what led up to them, nor anything that could shed light on the lands older history.

"Clearly the histories have been rewritten or hidden," Ainz said to himself thoughtfully. "The real question is both why it was done, and by who?"

These thoughts quickly led him to the information on the regions local church and religion, the Church of the Reborn Dawn. Calling it a religion was, in his opinion, an insult to Christianity, Shinto, Buddhism, Islam, basically every religion he could think of off the top of his head. It was a manipulation of beliefs that had taken over and absorbed other religions until it was the only one in the land.

What really annoyed him about it however was one of its most major tenants that had seemed to become a common belief. That as the Goddess reborn was a women, women were more important and more capable, than men were.

Ainz did not believe himself to be sexist, and he knew that, in history many cultures had switched who was the more prominent gender in society depending on location, numbers, and culture. Many ancient cultures started out matriarchal simply because without women a culture could not sustain itself. After all, if a few men died while hunting it would be sad, but if a few women did it would endanger the groups continued survival as a people. Over time, as numbers grew and culture shifted, many became patriarchal, and over time that proved to be a problem as some cultures took it too far under the precept that as men were stronger and historically protectors of their cultures, that they should be in charge. He did not agree with it, but that was simply how things occurred in history. It had been, in most places on earth, mostly fixed after centuries of pushing and struggling, women and men having as equal standing as they could. It was not perfect, as nothing was, but it had mostly been made equal I n most countries.

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