CH15 - Return to Ansur

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Melodie Anasha swung her training blade to the side, taking the parried blade of her opponent with it, and in the same motion kicked one of her feet forward. The point of her boot struck the ankle of her opponent, making her wince from the protected but blunt strike, and in that moment of weakness she then thrust her arms forward, slamming the pommel of her blade into her opponents Shoulder. Such a hit would hardly be fatal if this was real combat, but in a mock duel it was more than sufficient enough to make it clear to all of the other knights that she could have easily gone for the throat.

The fact it sent her opponent to the ground as elegantly as a brick was an added bonus.

"Ugh, dammit, what is your problem?" The knight on the ground groaned in aggravation as she shifted back away from Melodie before getting up.

"I merely am fighting to win so that I never fall," Melodie said as she glanced to the sides, noticing many of the other knights around whispering and commenting to one another. She could hear what they were saying pretty easil. It was the same complaints they used to say when Hara would beat them by using anything and everything to her advantage. Things about fairness and honor in combat. As if any of them knew a damn about either with the way they had treated Hara. "If you can't handle being a knight, then perhaps you should retire."

Those words caused a number of Knights, both Dawn Templars and City knights in equal measure, to glare at her. A couple even yelled, calling her a fake knight, or an insult to knights.

Melodie simply smiled. "If you think I am a fake then step up and prove your skills." she countered, eyes falling on one of the Dawn Templars who had called out against her. "Surely a dawn Templar should have no issue fighting a mere city knight such as myself?"

"Why you insolent little-"


All eyes turned to the edge of the training ground to Aria, who stood there looking none too pleased. "Everyone, fall out and return to your duties. Melodie, follow me up onto the wall, now."

Melodie said nothing as she complied, listening to the sneers and jeers of many knights hoping she was about to be dressed down. She was of course about to be dressed down by her sister, but Aria was about to find out just how little effect it would have.

It would be hard to reprimand someone who was feeling like her vocation had less a nd less point behind it after all.

She followed Aria out of the training yard and up the stairs to the top of the wall, almost the exact same positon where Ainz had decimated the army of the Dark queen. The effect on the fields north of Thorn could still be seen. The crater was full of grasses now, but the burnt trees and soot covered rocks did not disappear as easily as scorched ground.

"What in the world has gotten into you as of late Melodie?" Aria demanded, giving Melodie no more time to look upon the actions of who she figured was probably the strongest mage that had ever been in Eostia.

Melodie turned away from her sister, placing her hands the walls crenellations and staring out at the landscape. "You are going to need to be more specific."

"You have been intentionally putting everyone on edge with your actions and borderline harassing them in training!" Aria yelled as she pointed down at the training ground. "And beyond that, you have not been fighting as a knight should! Why?"

Melodie slowly turned to her sister, her face utterly neutral, showing nothing, and making Aria visibly tense. "And how should a knight fight, sister?"

"You have been a knight long enough to know the answer to that," Aria said seriously.

Melodie stared at her for a moment, unchanging, before suddenly breaking out into laughter. "Ah yes, how silly of me to forget such a thing. We must fight with honor, after all, the monsters and demons will surely fight with honor too, won't they?"

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