Why would you do that?

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"I hate him. I hate him so much!" He shouted. "Soobin calm down,you're gonna wake up the others." "That fucking asshole!"

Soobin was mad. Because Choi Yeonjun,his enemy,just stealed his girlfriend. Last night his best friend,Beomgyu, threw a party and all the school was invited. They all got drunk and stuff. And Yeonjun fucked his girfriend. Not because she was pretty, popular or anything,he just wanted to annoy the shit out of Soobin.

Yeonjun,Soobin,his girlfriend,Beomgyu, Beomgyu's boyfriend and 2 or 3 random people slept over. And Soobin was preparing to beat the shit out of Yeonjun's balls that morning.

"Morning guys!" Yelled Yeonjun. He seemed really happy and proud of himself. I wonder why...

"You fucker! Why would you do that you ugly asshole! How could you fuck MY girlfriend!?" Soobin looked MAD.

"I don't see where the problem is? She wanted me to fuck her,so I did. It's not my problem you can't satisfy her. And I'm telling you,she loved it. She moaned my name all night."

He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to cry,but he can't seem weak. Especially in front of Yeonjun. Yeonjun always stole his girlfriends and boyfriends and made fun of him.

"Guys please calm down." Said Beomgyu pretty worried,since both of the boys were good friends of his.

Soobin just jumped on Yeonjun with his fist up,punchig him right in the eye.

"What the fuck Soobin! What an asshole you are,you're asking for it."

And that's how the fight started. They always fight. But this time,Soobin gave in mentally. He couldn't take it anymore. He pushed Yeonjun down,with tears in his eyes,and shouted. "Fuck you!" And he ran to the bathroom.

Yeonjun was confused. Soobin never acted like this. Beomgyu ran after him.

"What the hell was that?" Asked Yeonjun. "Bro that was not cool." Said one of the random guys,looking dissapointed at the boy sitting on the floor. And he went after Soobin too.

They tried getting him out of the bathroom for the past hour,but nothing. Yeonjun, Beomgyu,Taehyun(his bf),Kai,Taejoon and Siwoo were at the door waiting for him.

They all knew his feelings for Yeonjun,  except the said boy. It was hard for Soobin,especially because he was in love with his enemy.

"Come out Soobin,we can comfort you! We can help!" Beomgyu tried to convince him. But failed.

"You can't help me,Beomgyu! I can't take it anymore! I love him! I love him so much,but he doesn't give a fuck about me! He hates me! He probably even left!"

Everyone was in shock. Soobin didn't know Yeonjun was still there,and he was listening.

"Soobin open the door. Now." Said Yeonjun with a serious voice.

"Y-yeonjun? Go away!" "Soobin,let me in. Or I'll break the door."

Soobin slightly opened the door. Yeonjun barged in and locked the door behind him. Soobin was on the floor. His eyes were red as a tomato.

"Soobin-" Yeonjun tried saying but getting intrerupted by the other boy. "Yeonjun,I'm sorry. Please forget I said anything." "Soobin." "I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry I-" "Soobin!" "Y-yes?" "Soobin I love you too!" "W-what? When? Why?" "Soobin I've loved you from the start! I was just scared of telling you,I thought you hated me! I stole your partners from you because I couldn't stand seeing you with someone that isn't me!"

Soobin was confused. The boy that hated him, bullied him,stole his partners,actually loved him?

"Are you pulling a joke on me now Yeonjun?" He asked with tears in his eyes. "I'm not. Choi Soobin,I love you." He said and he went to the boy to kiss him pasionately.

"I love you so much,Choi Yeonjun."
"I love you even more,Choi Soobin."

Hope you enjoyed!

Love ya,


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