My star(Part 2)

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Soobin pov

Something about Yeonjun is off... I feel bad that I can't help him. But he doesn't tell me whats wrong either. Yeonjun is very important to me, he helped me go through everything that happend. I'm glad that I met him, and I'm glad that he had all of that patience with me.

We were sitting on the sofa, watching some weird movie. I wasn't paying attention anyway. I was paying attention to the boy next to me instead.

I have to find out what bothers Yeonjun, as soon as I can. Maybe his friends know what happend? Or maybe only Taehyun knows? Everyone can tell that he's the closest with Tae from all of us, so maybe...

"Yeonjunnie, did you enjoy the food?" I'm trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yes love, it was delicious. I was thinking... Do you want to sleep with me tonight? S-since it's starting to get cold.." He said while his cheeks were a bright shade of red.

He's so cute when he's flustered and he's stuttering. 

"I would love to sleep with you! But now can we cuddle please?~" I said pouting, to actually convince him to cuddle me.

"Of course, come here princess."

I love his hugs and cuddles so much, they're my favourite thing in the world. And at first, I was really shy when he called me by any type of nickname, but I got used to it and I think its really cute now.

After a few minutes I decided to look at Yeonjun again since we were watching tv. But to my surprise, he was dead asleep. He's so cute, I wanna eat him alive.

I slowly tried to escape his embrace so that I can let him sleep more comfortabe. But as I tried to get up, he fastly crossed his arms around my waist again to hold me in place.

"Please don't go... Don't leave me..." I smiled to myself, since he was clearly still asleep. And I stayed in his arms to show him that I'm not going anywhere, and I'll always be by his side.

Some time later, I actually realised that I fell asleep to. But when I woke up, he was gone.

I stretched a little bit and went to search for Yeonjun, but he was nowhere to be found. I searched in the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, everywhere. And he left his phone at home so I couldn't call him.

I started to panick a little bit since It's already been an hour. Its curently 6:30 pm and hes not home yet. I was ready to go out and search for him, until I heard knocking at the door.

I thought it was Yeonjun so I quickly ran to open the door for him.

It wasn't Yeonjun...

It was my dad.

"D-dad, what are you doing here!?" I was scared for my life, why wasn't Yeonjun here!? But I think it's better that he doesn't get hurt...

"I came to get you and go back home, my son." He said and grabbed my wrist tightly.

"I'm not going anywhere, this is my home!" I tried pulling out of his grip. He looks angry now.

Yeonjun pov

I went to the supermarket to buy groceries and some food for tonight. I left Soobin at home, because I felt bad waking him up.

And on my way home, I met Taehyun and Beomgyu, so we stayed and had a little talk.

When I was in the staircase of the block, really close to our apartment, I saw that the door was open...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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