Long lost friend(Part 2)

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"Yeonjunnie! Come and cuddle with me!" Soobin was waiting for Yeonjun to cuddle in Soobin's bed. (Yeonjun has his own room...but let's be real,he doesn't use it. He only uses it to put his clothes.) "Wait a little bit hyung." Yeonjun was in the bathroom, he just finished showering and has to dress up, but first...he had to take care of his bruises. Yeonjun is getting bullied at school, and he got sa'ed many times but neither Soobin or Soobin's parents know about that. He doesn't want to cause problems.

After he finished,he rushed to the bed and jumped directly on Soobin's chest. "Soobinnie!" Said Yeonjun with a cute voice. Soobin wrapped his arms around Yeonjun and held him tight. "Ouch!" "Yeonjun! Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" Asked Soobin. "N-no it's fine,I'm fine. Let's just continue..."

Soobin was getting worried about Yeonjun,but he couldn't think abou it now. They had school tomorrow so they had to go to sleep early.

At school Soobin and Yeonjun were hanging out at the cafeteria a usual,until someone came. It was Seokmin,one of the bullies. "Hey Yeonjun! Could you come and help me with something?" Said the boy smiling as he looked down at his pants. "H-hello S-seokmin hyung..." Soobin noticed the sudden change in Yeonjun's mood. What was happening. 

"So? Will you come and help me?" "I-I'm sorry hyung but I-I'm spending time with my friend..." "C'mon Yeonjunnie...I know you want to help me.." Said the boy coming closer and closer to him touching his shoulders. "Are you deaf? He said he doesn't want to help you. Now leave us alone!"Soobin stood up of his seat. "Ya! I didn't ask you anything so I think you should shut your mouth! And let me talk to my babe...-" 

The boy couldn't finish the sentence as he got intrerupted by Soobin's fist. "You asshole! Talk to him like that one more time and you'll leave this school. Got it?" Said Soobin looking furious. "Who do you think you are ha!?" The other yelled. Everyone from the cafeteria were all eyes on them. "Seokmin...I really think we should leave...he's the principal's son..." Said one of his friends. His eyes widened. 

"Fine. You're lucky we're in school. Meet me on the xxxx street at 5 pm. You'll pay for everything you said. "Yeah we'll see about that." Said Soobin confidently taking Yeonjuns arm and leaving.

They went to the back of the school,since no one is there because it's lunch.

"Yeonjun,who was that?" "O-oh.. Just a friend of mine...He's in some of my classes.." Said Yeonjun shyly. "Take off your shirt." Said Soobin with a straight,serious face. "W-what!?"  "Take. Off. Your. Shirt." "B-but we're outside. Why do you want me to do that. Soobin didn't respond,he just grabbed Yeonjun and dragged him to the bathroom.

"Take off your shirt,Yeonjun."Not wanting to start a fight,Yeonjun slowly took of his shirt,revealing all of his bruises. Tears start falling out of Soobin's eyes. "Yeonjun who did this to you!? Why didn't you tell me!" "I-I'm sorry... I didn't want to worry you and-" Yeonjun tried to speak as he put his shirt back on but he got intrerupted by Soobin. "Stop speaking nonsense Yeonjun! Do you hear yourself!?"

Yeonjun starts crying at the harsh words thrown at him. "Yeonjun...I didn't mean to..."
"You don't know how it feels! I'm already a burden to you and your mom and my classmates hate me! You aren't making anything better,Soobin." "Yeonjun...I'm sorry...."

Soobin stopped talking and he just hugged Yeonjun tight. Then he cupped his face and looked at him right in the eye.

"Yeonjunnie, you are not a burden! My mom and I care about you so much, and we want you to be happy. You can trust me with anything and everything and I promise you, I will protect you. So please...tell me who did all of this."

"It was Seokmin a-and his friends.." Tears started forming into Yeonjuns eyes again.

 Soobin quickly embraced him again, wanting the other boy to feel his warmth.

"Yeonjun, listen to me. From now on, tell me anything that happens. Please. I care about you, and I love you so much Yeonjun. I need you." Soobin said with a warm and calm tone, waiting for Yeonjun to say something.

But he didn't. He just cried and cried, letting out all the pain that he bottled up inside him. He felt safe with Soobin, safer than with anyone else. And he was glad he was feeling that way.

Yeonjun broke the hug and faced Soobin with tears running down his face.

"Soobin, I love you." He said between sobs, trying not to break down again. "More than a friend." He managed to say before Soobin cupped his face and kissed his soft and plump lips.

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