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"You are the moon my eyes admire the most, and the voids after your separation is still unfilled"

-His endearment

Walking into the dark room, she pulled the curtains with her fragile fingers just to see the sky full of stars from her balcony since it was nighttime.

With her soft gaze she stared at moon embaraced by light in this dark silent night with slow steady winds which was touching her face softly making few hair strands to come in front of her face But was she bothered by this? No... because Her heart and mind were only remembering "him," the way he used to hide her in his embrace whenever she used to cry, how his fingers used to play with her hairs She used to get annoyed and everytime tells him to stop but he used to chuckle finding it cute....His giggles and chuckles was like a music for her...How she used to silently admire his eyes , those beautiful dark orbs who used to glitter everytime he looked at her ......

She sighed and turned herself, leaning her back on the balcony and glancing the room until her eyes fell on the frame placed right beside the night lamp.

Her eyes turned soft and full of admiration... She slowly went inside towards the frame, picking it and creasing her finger on the simle of the silhouette in the frame .

She went into the ocean of memories, which is still fresh in her mind like it happened just a few days ago, and her eyes got teary . She softly said, " Why did you left me alone, Kairav?"

Flashback 8 years ago

Students were walking here and there. Everyone was engaged in their own work since it was a new semester, and freshmen were there already assigned booklist since they rarely were going to get time. Every sec of college life considered important, and  National University of India is one of the famous University for having dramas , theater plays , art , dance etc they provide cultural art and Business major which was rare.

Walking slowly in the crowded corridor wearing an oversized hoodie which was reaching her knees, and her her fingers were gripped on her bag strips, wearing specs that were looking too big for her tiny face She had plunged her earpods listening " Nowhere by mixed matches " so she was not bothered by all the noise.

Well she is an introvert who rarely wants to go out of her comfy place and never bothered to have anyone's company since she believed no matter how much nic they are they will always left in the end.
Her world is really small, filled with all the philosophical phrases

She found the locker written "Aarohi Batra " She opened her locker, which was assigned as her .She put all her books inside the locker and when she was about to turn to walk away but she was pulled or we can say by someone suddenly and she bumped into rocked chest...

When She looked up her eyes caught unfamiliar dark orbs which were already looking her was making her lost in them she never found something so beautiful ... she was admiring those eyes and didn't bother to take Glance on other features of person,s face.

She backed off as she came to her senses when music stopped and looked at students, she can hear whispers in the corridor. All the students' attention was on them. Everyone was engaged in their work before, but now they are gathered their being attentive on what's happening there.

Aarohi was someone who always wanted to avoid attention since she didn't want to be a topic of anyone,s gossip.. she was good to be invisible ; she always been even in high school with no friends.

It was her first day and something like this was not a good sign for her .....her temper was getting high after every sec wanting to punch the face of the person who is cause of the unwanted attention forgetting about the fact that she was admiring the dark orbs of her culprit a min ago .

She looked at the person in front of her with ranged burning eyes...She was not going to lie he was someone cute .....He was tall , buffy and she bearly reach only his chest , she also noticed those piercing on his lips which was like making him more attractive .

He was looking like someone whom God has personally sculptured with all the perfection...she looked at the name tag on his jersey "Kairav Kashyap" She whispered inaudible for others but enough for the man in front of her who instantly showed his bunny smile after listening his name from her. She was melting in his smile but came out of her imagination when he called her.

" You are Aarohi?" Right?"

"What if I,m not ?" Aarohi raised her eyebrow  confused by the fact of how someone whom you met for the first time knows your name

" Hey, stop playing. I know you are Evelyn" poking his tongue Kairav said

" So what if I am?" Aarohi questioned

Kairav Smiled "Would you like to be my friend?"

Aarohi,s Pov

It was appalling for me like how can someone be like this. He just met me a second ago and wants to become my friend without knowing anything about me. His action left me perplex.

"But I Don,t know you " I reasoned

He pouted " But we can know each other after becoming friends."

"Listen I,m here to focus on my Carrer not to make friends because it is useless for me." I didn't let my guard down.

" But it's nice to have someone who is there for you when you feel sad and low." The guy suggested

" No!!! I don't want anyone to attach with" I responded

(She turns her feet towards the classroom but stopped and turned her face towards Kairav, who was still there)

" I don't know how you know my name, but stay away from me , I don't want anyone beside me.... I'd rather be alone than being with someone"  mumbling last words I left the sight.

And she left from there, leaving the crowd who was amazed by her behavior


His endearment Where stories live. Discover now