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I never thought that those beautiful orbs of yours would hold my universe in them
-His endearment

Kairav,s pov

I entered in the corridor with my teammates after our morning training and like always it was so crowded but now everyone,s attention on us as some of the girls were giggling looking at us and most of them even called me handsome.

But I care less because now it's my routine you must've guessed it by now that I,m heartthrob of this college. There was no girl who caught my attention, and I don't want to waste my time dating them because-

?? "Kairav"

I turned my head towards  Rayan and Abhinav  .They are in third year while I,m in the second year.

"Yes, Rayan " I raplied

" Why didn't you date someone? I mean, you never dated your whole life.Are you planning to die single? " Rayan asserted

I shook my head "Bro, you already know I,m not going to date anyone, and I don't believe in love . It doesn't exist, and even if it does, then it's really hard to make Kairav Kashyap head over heals for someone" I said in proud tone

Rayan sighed " Why are you like this, you should give someone chance , look how many girls are dying to be with you"

I scowled and rolled my eyes "Seriously?? These girls? Huh? Bro they only want me because of my popularity and handsome face. None try to know the real me. Their so-called love is filled with lust."

Abhinav stated "Rayan  , Kairav is right. These girls don't want him for real him they want him for the image portrayed in college . Love is all about the connection of souls"

Rayan got Cringed "That's why they say love makes people crazy. Thank good Kairav is not going to fall for someone. Otherwise, I would've been crazy by listening these cringe whole day"

(Kairav laughed while Abhinav just glared at both of his friends who always tease him about his relationship.Yup, Abhinav is dating someone while his two friends are single.)

(They were laughing until Kairav, s eyes fall on a familiar figure and a frown form on his face and he without saying anything sprinted towards that figure and once he was able to look at the face. )

(A small smile formed on his face.....She was that girl .... whom he had been finding her since two months and unexpectedly he found her in his college. She was about to go after placing her stuffs inside the locker. He looked at her name on the locker and came to know it,s "Aarohi Batra." )

(He abruptly held her wrist and her head touched his chest...He didn't meant to do it but she was soo tiny and fragile compare to him that's why even if putting little bit force made her fall on him......and he looked at her soft hairs and his heart started
Beating loudly )

"WTF KAIRAV !!!!! why is it beating so loudly?what's wrong with you ... Did I catch some diseases?" I got confused af

Unknowingly I inhaled her scent and she was smelling like venallia with chocolate inside....she backed off and looked at me while I was still looking at her , admiring her tiny face ...her big glasses soo cute "mentally chuckle"

His endearment Where stories live. Discover now