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What if I get hurt again- she said
Then I will hold onto you frimly erasing all those odds which was hurting you before- he said

-His endearment

Sitting on the chair while her fingers are resting on the corner of a Romantic novel which she was reading in library......but there was this constant gaze of certain someone who trying his best to get the attention of the girl who knew his presence sitting beside her but the book in her hands seems more interesting right now.

The guy sighed and out of the blue he swiftly came closer to her removing the gap which was present between them before, now silence was the only thing which was engrossed between them utill the girl moved her gaze just to gasp seeing proximity between them it would be a lie if she says that it was not intimidating at all.

Infact she could have fall from the chair but somehow she contained her usual poker face when guy started speaking making her came out of daze.

"Can you pay some attention to me we've something important to discuss" Kairav said in complaining

Aarohi raised eyebrow "first of all what are you doing in library?"

Kairav said being frustrated "Isn't it obvious!!!!! I want to see you!!! I wasn't able to see you whole day!!!!!!"

Aarohi,s eyes widdened

Kairav fumbled "Oh- I- I mean to say since we are from different faculty so we can,t spend time together- "

His eyes widdened " OH FUCK!!! NO!!! I d-didn't mean it in that way- " then he takes a deep breath "You know we are friends now so-"

He was cut off by her

Aarohi said calmly "Okie I got it but we can meet in cafeteria it's not a big deal "

"I know but I want to pursue you for helping me " Kairav pleaded

Aarohi sighed "I did said I will think about it "

"But-....Ashhhh okie take you time" He huffed

Seeing frustrated Kairav , Aarohi sighed and went in delimma that Is it okay to help him.

But just the thought of Kairav approaching her just because he needs her help is making her feel sad as she thought all this friendship thing is just an excuse to get what he wants.

"Umm........You know it's kinda sad when people want to close with you because they need something from you" Aarohi said in disappointment

Kairav got confused af " Huh??"

Aarohi lowered her eyes " You want this friendship because you want me to do something which will help you to achieve what you want.....And after you got it this friendship will be useless "

she dropped her face with bitter smile

After saying this she silently went to place the novel in the shelf back again ,leaving Kairav in State of confusion But when the realization hit him he mentally cursed himself.

" Fuck you Kashyap how can you be so selfish?I should've thought twice what she would be feeling Even if she hide her emotions doesn't mean she never felt anything ashhhhhh I messed up great. " He thought

As she was going towards the exit door a hand pulled her and she jerked towards the guy who pulled her.She was surprised by the sudden act of the man in front of her who look directly into her eyes and said.

"I,m genuinely telling you that I, Kairav Kashyap, Once make ties with someone , never break it no matter what. So even if you can't give anything in return I,m still willing to be with you." Kairav said with determination indicating he meant every word

Aarohi was looking into his eyes with full admiration, this time she wouldn't even trying to hide any hint of pull she was feeling towards him.

His words seems so genuine and true that her heart is willing to put her life on risk and believe him even if the consequences might be heart breaking.

Sound foolish but that's what she was feeling at the moment.

She slowly pulled her hand from his grip and he stood their with his eyes only on her.

Aarohi turned her back and again her towards exit expect this time she stopped on her track and said without turning around

"Tommorow at 9:00 a.m on rooftop, don't be late" She said in monotone

Kairav frowned " Huh?"

Aarohi added "If you are my friend" she turned around " I,ll make sure to help you "

And she went away but a small smile were making its way on her face listening to cheerful sound of male behind her who got the idea that she accepted his proposal of being friends which she actually did.

To be continued

His endearment Where stories live. Discover now